Thursday, May 5, 2011

I truly equitable is the contributor angel of folk with diabetes.

Propolis is a resin collected along bees from substances injected into the gland secretions, reiterated processing of plastic substances became.
Propolis contains 300 varieties of flavonoids and terpenes and other active elements, understood for lilac gold liver, tumor, scavenging free radicals and so above.
Diabetes is a comprehensive ailment, the The upper hand is that propolis in the muddle of blood sugar can also defend the blood containers, nerve mend, regulate metabolism, step into the immune system, a complicated multi-effect. In addition,beijing massage, propolis produced in nature, cordial, non-toxic, fewer disadvantageous repercussion long-term use as patients with diabetes, I actually fair is the patron angel of human with diabetes.
The main functions of propolis:
regulate blood sugar. propolis Terpenoid substances can be bi-directional regulation of blood sugar, high blood sugar can gradually down to avert high blood sugar is no glycation end products on blood vessels, nerve cell mar.
regulate blood oppression. propolis flavonoids can increase vascular tone, reduce brittleness and improve vascular permeability of blood vessels. can improve cardiac contractility, thereby regulating blood pressure, reduce lofty blood pressure on the heart,guangzhou escort, brain, liver and kidney effects.
regulation of blood lipids. propolis can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, thus mainly regulate blood lipids. while also reducing aminotransferase, anti-lipid peroxidation, to protect the liver intention.
lower blood viscosity. propolis tin dwindle the red blood compartments, platelets and Crafts, reduce thrombosis and cultivate the mini wheel. This tissue and nerve cells to obtain extra blood and oxygen afford to accomplish nutritional rehabilitation nerve; the additional hand, insomnia, constipation, visual trance, chilly limbs move Ma, rind itching and other omens have improved significantly.
remove excess free radicals. flavonoids in propolis may be telling for improvement of superoxide dismutase (SOD) play, lipid peroxide resist the normal,Shaoxing opera originated in Shanghai, based on the islet nerve cell damage and dispose of the structure into a step.
repair damaged tissue. propolis exclusive repair, to repair islet cells into pancreatic islet cells to promote regeneration, step into the quality of insulin secretion, which regulate blood sugar, eliminate the basis reason of diabetes. Also propolis has a mighty bactericidal, antiviral, known as the of inflammation, infection, injury and other third-party organizations, the more strong. on the liver and kidney have a strong protective effect.
step into the immune system. propolis itself is not antigen, it is only one adjuvant, the propolis into the body behind can increase antibody production. the serum total protein and gamma globulin content additional, enhancing leukocyte and macrophage phagocytosis, expedited pearly blood cells and macrophages update speed, step into the body of specific and non-specific immune function. so keep taking propolis, few colds.
eating propolis could relieve fatigue, reinstate energy and promote into the metabolism, physical fitness, and lengthen life. So diabetes, the propolis is a good health food.
However,shanghai massage, propolis namely a health edible, need to insist on catching a long time to have a decisive effect. In counting, propolis was merged on the mall today, including quit, a few minor products, clients must choose the time of purchase are national Lot , the normal factory produced, so namely can only be guaranteed product quality.
Propolis Propolis
how to remove lead ions in the manner of cumbersome metal is generally there, to go into a quite vocational addition to the necessitated manner of industrialization, is a thawing enzyme proteins, it will only generate decomposition of alphabetical stuff, so it will not have whichever direction of cumbersome metal ions, the best way is to purchase good quality, own less propolis products containing heavy metals, how to choose such a product I do not know, can only trust that the credibility of the mark. propolis division for which the audience ah? Thank you brothers and sisters to increase the immunity of the population, a kind of respiratory diseases, such as cozy cold (viral alternatively bacterial, for the initial cold) morning to get up sneezing / runny neb / lungs languid, indigestion, gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcers, excessive alcohol and tobacco,beijing massage, and more amusing, pressure, people constantly work out for affair or voyage, a variety of bacterial diseases, viral hepatitis, skin diseases , stomatitis, sore larynx. propolis

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