Thursday, April 28, 2011

is agricultural land coalition and Urban Readjustment. According apt our country

Job site mapping examine and mapping industry preferred network of excellence in the early process of sorting the data summarized some related manufacture terms, hoping to industry colleagues in the elucidation of definite terms,toronto escort, there is a clear notion!
Land consolidation is in a certain area, based on land use planning and land consolidation of special planning, farmland, water, roads, forest and villages to implement the comprehensive correction and correction of land relations, to improve the land. use structure and the production and living conditions, amplify the obtainable land area and the efficacious area of ​​cultivated land, improving land utilization rate and output rate of the activity. land consolidation can be divided into two categories, is agricultural land consolidation and Urban Readjustment. According to our country, by this stage the focus of land consolidation in rural areas. < br> The cardinal land coalition include: (1) modifying the agricultural architecture, merging fragmented graphs; (2) formation, cultivate the taint; (3) roads, shelterbelts, trenches and other common construction; (4) merging of rural residents point, rural industries and land use; (5) garbage land reclamation; (6) delineation of boundaries, to resolve ownership; (7) to improve the surroundings and preserving ecological poise.
in the finishing process, the staff of the Survey and Mapping network of excellence land consolidation is given dissimilar interpretation, that in a certain area, in accordance with land use arranging or urban intending to determine the goals or purposes, to take executive, economic, lawful and engineering measures, adjusted for land use reform,shenzhen massage, comprehensive management to subserve the logical use of land, improving land use efficiency, improve production, living conditions and ecological environment activities.
land evolution, is the delineation of land use planning in areas that can be reclaimed to sterile hills, wasteland, wasteland and other untouched land for the object, through engineering or biological measures to rectify this,beijing escort, processing and assisting the construction activities can be utilized to fulfill.
land reclamation, is in production and construction process, due to digging, breakdown, pressure, etc.,beijing escort, causing break to the land account and take remediation measures to reinstate to the state for use of the activities.
land cropping, likewise known for vegetation index, refined throughout the year and the total sown area of ​​crops refined area of ratio. is a reflection of land use degree index, expressed as a percent.
calculated as: harvesting = year planting (or transplanting) d the total district of ​​arable crops t100%
the total area affected along the level of cropping local heat, soil, water, manure, fatigue, and technological and technological level conditions. heat conditions are nice,alternatively namely the habitat of endangered wildlife. In Australia, long frost-free period, the total amassed tall, ample water is to improve the foundation of multiple cropping concordance.
finishing above the network of excellence because the charting out of and land use of the perception, I hope you proceed apt focus on mapping web of excellence! have better proposals alternatively remarks amuse direct message

the green ring ambition commemorate the sixth annual of the establishment

Association of Development
2002mm2003 year:
1,2002 on March 15, Central University for Nationalities Green Association was founded;
2,2002 Luxiang in March,shanghai escort, held in major environmental campaigns;
on April 3,2002 environmental specialists Qing-Fu Zeng prominent lectures; environmental arts and crafts exhibition;
4,2002 In April, the implementation of used batteries in a student apartment recycling;
5,2002 In April, the Association Wuhan University attended and joined the University Environmental Forum Environment Federation;
6,2002 on April 22, Japanese January 1, Green entered the ring members to participate in the Dabie Mountains camping; green ring members Jiangxi Wuyuan photography exhibition;
10,2004 Association in January as head of Hubei Province held in Beijing attended by representatives of the first student environmental training camp; Exhibition of rare butterfly world; to participate in organized by the China University of Geosciences Lake waste clean-up activities;
11,2004 on March 12, the association members to participate in Arbor Day Forest Park,
12,2004 in March with the Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University of Technology `Green Society Green bid for the Associated Press co-sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature in 2004 Wetland Ambassador Action, and a absolute score of the country's second, the first agreeable Hubei results got in 2004 Wetland Ambassador Action Center of Hubei right to host;
13,2004 on April 22,shanghai massage, Mr. Liang Congjie President of Friends of the lecture;
15,2004 in April Hongshan Square on large-scale publicity activities;
17,2004 in the summer, the green part of the Green Association and the China Agricultural University, Wuhan Science and Technology sponsored by the Associated Press the green Yellowstone, for the ten-day field trips campaign victorious return in early August.
2004mm2005 Year:
18,2005 organized ashore March 12 faculty members to the families of district grass, green context
19 , June 5, 2005 in 1, two restaurants, Huazhong Agricultural University, among the Federation and coupler promotional activities
20,2005 Environment Day on November 22 a member of the Green ring of the obligation to clean up South Lake organizations activities; < br> 21,2005 on December 5, the purpose for the event. activities through pre-publicity, the late publicity, public and vocational justices chose a series of culling programs, and afterward elected the maximum fashionable medal of a, human environment class first, second and third three, the Environmental Protection class of first, second and third three of a total of seven awards prizes to the winners, merely where tournament with Jieyou prizes.
22,2006 Arbor Day on March 12 association members to the school 11 instructing building turf open space, green school environment;
23,2006 on June 5 World Environment Day at the Optical Valley Plaza Green campaign.
2005mm2006 Year:
24,2006 in October 21 in South Lake schools the obligation to neat up waste activities.
25,2006 on November 19 took part in the go environment and the road begging for large-scale activities, Dr..
26,2006 m19 on December 16th day and 7 universities and large fiscal Environmental Association conducted a fruit for the activities of greeting cards.
27,2007 in April, environmental education project started. from April first to the public on a normal foundation to carry out a great school to a sophomore environmental education classes from a youth age to realize the magnitude of environmental protection, starting from the side from the mini things.
28,2007 In May, Shi Cheng, Chen Zhiqiang Representatives went to Shanghai to participate in the 2007 Wetland Ambassador Action exercising; < br> 29,2007 In June, the a crowd of field experience, namely a likely success in environmental conservation activities, and won the National Award of Excellence;
30,2007 in July, Huang Qiao as a volunteer on behalf of Association of the General Assembly to participate in the Fourth China Forum on Student environmental organizations CEF (Wuhan)
31,2007 In early August, Wen-Juan Chen on behalf of Association of Environmental Action Network in Nanjing to participate in summer activities pyrochlore mm the end of September, in the school to carry out protection activities in South Lake, South Lake Organization member rescue garbage, clean the campus psoriasis.
33,shenzhen massage,2007 in October, held educate for the exhibition, activities directly influence the nearly 2 thousand students, cater insight into the Hoh Xil calamity, internal and outer activities are the major medium care.
34,2007 in October, invited the Forum
36,2007 in October 30m11 2 May, Huang Qiao behalf of the Association of Chinese environmental NGOs to participate in the anniversary Sustainable Development (NGO Annual Meeting)
37,2007 in November, Wuhan four schools (Nationality University, Wuhan University, Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology) promote development of the wetland first leg of the late envoy.
38,2007 in November, held a .
39,2007 m8 on December 5 May, Mok Heng, Huang Xiaoqiu behalf of the Association to participate in , December 2007, the second nine universities in Wuhan One globe, One dream green , Wing Primary School, to beyond strengthen environmental protection advocacy.
43,2008 on March 15, the green ring will commemorate the sixth commemoration of the establishment, in a friendly badminton activities carried out within the Association;
44,2008 in April, green room battery recycling activities on campus;
45,2008 m30 on April 28 days, Huang Qiao, Chen Yu, Fang Yung behalf of the Association to participate in the School of Surveying and Mapping Wuhan University started training in 2008 Wetland Ambassador Action;
46,2008 5 years month, the association of 30 representatives to the Wuhan City Park to participate in the liberation of and as one of the country's 35 teams to carry out South Lake in Wuhan to ; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Botanical Garden, large-scale publicity activities;
49,2008 m28 on July 5, 2008 Wetland Ambassador Action began, nigh the Guanshan Dutch manner park, off Hill region, behaved a series of predicate City and other promotional activities, events made great success, the public and the organizers naturally Wuhan, Wuhan City, the major media coverage. Finally, activities obtained third country, and participated in CCTV10 Day m24 day, went to the Blue Lifang Representatives Yilin district of Yichang in Hubei big brother Ridge Forest College Green Camp
51,2008 second on July 21m24 day, Li Ran Chan as the representative at their own consumption, on behalf of Association of the first to go to Changsha Student Environmental Organization-fourth of China Cooperation Forum CEF (Changsha)
52,2008 m30 on July 27 at Blue Lifang, Wei Ji Representatives went to Zhongshan University in Guangzhou for the fourth teens environmental interchange cross the Taiwan Strait in early August
53,2008, WU Yi went to super on behalf of Association to participate in the Dabie Mountains in Anhui Province College Green Camp
54,2008 sixth in early August, Ni Dongchun Representatives to Nanjing to partake in environmental behavior pyrochlore Summer visits to the network Qinhuai boat residents
2008mm2009 mm year:
55,2008 In September, South Lake in the school carry out protection activities, always members of the Society to salvage South Lake garbage, clean the campus psoriasis.
55,2008 years October 3, the organization went to members of the Association of Field Quality Development Training Jiufengshan
56,2008 In October, the project Five schools in Wuhan (Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan University, Wuhan University, Huazhong Agricultural University, China University of Geosciences) Wetland Ambassador Action dissemination show late in the third leg of
58,2008 October, environmental education programs to expand the basic Luxiang , Wing basic school to the community at large, bridge school, to further strengthen the environmental advocacy;
59,2008 In November, the assistance have to enlist in the ranks of environmental education, campus media, the ad hoc special reports;
61,2008 In early December, the coalition of 11 representatives to the waterfront park, Hankou, Wuhan, and Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central China Normal University,Finally looked amenable apt a cheerful tree-planting period, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University, Hubei University, Hubei University and additional academies and universities from 10 representatives of environmental teams, carried out jointly along the World Wide Fund because Nature (wwf), China Youth Climate Action Network (cycan) jointly systematized the 20 Universities premier ; alike dispute of activities and studying experiences of additional university projects, the project amended farm procedure;
63,2009 In March, environmental education programs to expand the basic Zhuodao Quan, Wing School, street primary school population, and further strengthen environmental education and publicity;
64,2009 on March 14,beijing escort, the association of 64 representatives to participate in the CAS Wuhan Botanical Garden, March 15, the Association will celebrate the seventh anniversary of the establishment, Central University for Nationalities in front of the museum to celebrate the garden party;
66,2009 m26 on March 24 days, the university and carry out the mm the phone, take the initiative to near the need to use the appliances, lights, work outdoor.
67,2009 on April 11, the beginning etiquette of the eighth month corporate mores Performance & Party on April 11
68,2009 Japan, Fang Yung, Li Ran Chan, Wei Yun, Jie Lan Ting Society and other representatives of the four students to participate in Huazhong Agricultural University, will celebrate the ninth anniversary of Green Association
69,2009 on April 19, members of the sometime premier of the second exercise Huang Qiao, Chen Zhiqiang, a former Minister of activity freshman, sophomore members to do into nap, .
72,2009 6m8 in May, the Province, the second prototype college student organization, colossal repercussions.
74,2009 on May 11, the Green, Central Council general training & seminars
75,2009 on May 17, 2009 green ring will be on general referendum
76,2009 May 21, repeatedly the whole recovery income donated 1,000 yuan to the China Women Development Foundation charity project , the Second Wuhan University finalists, green ring will be a successful bid for 3 continuous years.
79,2009 on June 20, the United Wuhan Green enterprise, logistics patronize at the school, staff living quarters in the school, student settlement area to install the power cell recycling binaries, a total of 16.
80,2009 July 5 m8 on May 2, 2009 Wetland Ambassador Action
81,2009 m7 on 5 July 28, the green ring will be the first summer train field inspection activities

not feelings

I used to meditation the afterlife is to do are a man or woman,fraught waste I inadvertently touched the center ., am still a woman, or do good.
Too much oppression on men, whether social or family, there are a lot of invisible oppression.
So I wish Or do women love their man to find a flat light to live, so superb.
However, if man or female is man, folk will have feelings, with the feelings inevitably get hurt, truly hurt the savor is painful, and quite helpless.
frustration namely the world's most murderous weapons,beijing escort, for you do not aid approximately how hard you will not be anybody change many, but all they are rational, there namely not what agreeable and evil right and erroneous, is not helpless?
helpless after the sad, no place to vent, no place to evaporate slowly expend only their own, which consumes extra poisonous terrible ...
Therefore, the good life or not.

If savage beasts do, to conceal in deep mountain forest, peckish, go eat, thirsty to drink spring water, free men. Even predators have the aptitude to play shun just like it,toronto escort, can not furnish even now they are eaten but also in the maintenance of ecological equilibrium.
if assimilated, it is leisurely, the main gave to whatever, so where to live to where to live, etc. fashion long behind the satisfaction of the landlord, with the landlord or the will to be sold to be eaten, are to repay the owner's care Mody.
even as pets, with or without love, he just aid you, as long as the dispute was he favor, he will control you eat and nectar, and why not do it?
do plants
plant Ye Hao, regardless of where the long, whether or not one cares to, at a time the sun and water to can grow, fulfill his life's task.
not even make a nice glass of life, was placed in the alive chamber because peoples to enjoy, you can likewise activity point of practical amount;
make a pillow, even idea obtain a smooth been wrestling bring offthe location, it ambition no impair;
make a hanger, saw approximately the house every day,shanghai escort, standing in the room furnishings, and use their body to assist others;
a janitor to do the stone lions, mighty watching people coming and going;
a drawing aboard the walls to jot with a pen

track a drip of water the wind
......< br > No material what the afterlife is no longer a man;
no man, no longer has sensibilities;
no feelings, they will not get hurt again;
did not hurt, will be happy merry life,guangzhou escort, even life really a very short very short ...

Our Habitat

b Earth - our planet apt survive the straight space
third planet in the solar system, there is a satellite called the moon, the Earth's atmosphere from the rank of the sun protection and proper, is an important condition for the origin of life. The Earth is the third from the sun far planet, is also the diameter of the largest and the largest share of rocky planets, but also the subsistence of the only known living planet. Earth's rock and metal show that it is composed of a typical panel, pushing the panel, so the coalition will earthquakes, volcanoes and other activities. Earth's atmosphere and with a protective layer, it can stop the radiation from the sun are adverse to human and to discourage the meteor impact planet's surface, in addition, can accumulate enough heat to discourage the temperature dropped sharply . Earth's surface is water circled by seventy percent, failed to find the surface of other planets such liquid fashions of water.
mm normal satellite of the Earth has a moon, it is massive ample to these two objects as a double planet system.
earth is the direct space we live. The Earth is one of the solar system eight planets, the human planet. Earth's solar system belongs to the Milky Way. by Venus and Mars. is from the sun in the solar system the third near the planet. have a satellite. The Earth is as yet the only planet with life individual.
cosmic environment in which the Earth is the megalopolis of the macrocosm, the earth environment, from understanding the macro and micro level . macro level refers to the earth in the celestial system, the location of the solar system the Earth-Moon system m m m absolute Milky Way galaxy; the micro level refers to the Earth's position in the solar system. In infinite space, the earth just a drop in the sea, it is in restless movement.
a) of the Earth Data:
Age: 46 million years
orbital period: 365.25 days
circulation cycle: 23. hours 56 minutes 4 seconds (average solar time)
volume: 1.0832 trillion cubic meters
Quality: 60 trillion tons
average density: 5.50 grams / cubic centimeter
Equatorial radius: 6,378.140 km < br> polar radius: 6,356.755 km
surface area: 5.1 million square kilometers
marine area: 3.61 million square kilometers
Air: The main ingredients: nitrogen (78.5%) and oxygen (21%)
the crust: major components: oxygen (47%), silicon (28%) and aluminum (8%)
satellites: one (the moon)
29% of the land on the planet, 71% is ocean. global land tin be divided into 7 continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, South USA, North America and Antarctica. global ocean can be divided into four oceans; the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
b) structure of the earth the circle
Earth and the Earth circle the outer ring is divided into inner Earth two parts. Earth's outer ring can be further divided into four elementary spheres, that, the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere; Earth's inner circle can be further divided into three basic spheres, namely, the mantle ring, ring, and the liquid outer core, solid inner core circle. In addition, in the earth between the outer and the Earth's inner circle there is a soft flow, it is the Earth between the outer and inner planet a transitional spheres, in the average depth beneath the surface about 150 km. In this path, the plenary planet, including a total of eight spheres, including the lithosphere, the asthenosphere and the earth attach constitute the so-called inner solid Earth.
to Earth the outer ring of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, and lithosphere surface, routinely by direct observation and dimension method is used. The inner earth, the main use of geophysical methods, such as seismic, gravity and high accuracy of modern space geodetic techniques to study the observed inversion. Earth in the distribution of the spheres have a amazing characteristic, that is, the surface of the solid Earth and the sky above is basically a parallel distribution of upper and lower, and in the proximity of the Earth's surface , the surround is the mutual penetration or even overlapping, of which the maximum remarkable performance of the biosphere, emulated by the hydrosphere.
the composition of Earth's atmosphere, 77% and 21% nitrogen, oxygen, again is the small amount of argon, carbon dioxide and water vapor. Earth's early atmosphere was probably formed mostly carbon dioxide, but most of them have been to the composition of carbonate rocks, is integrated into the rest of the green sea and was exhausted; now and biological role of Plate Tectonics rise and fall of atmospheric carbon dioxide is the main who sustained. the atmosphere in the presence of track carbon dioxide, water vapor and the greenhouse effect caused by the surface temperature is very important to maintain the role of the greenhouse effect to surface temperature has increased by about 35 ℃, otherwise the average temperature of the surface is the depth of -21 ℃! if there is no water vapor and carbon dioxide, water will freeze and life as we know it will be impossible to carry out pattern. In addition, water vapor is Earth's water cycle and climate change an integral part of the main actors. < br> There namely too free oxygen geochemical characteristics of a important, because oxygen is highly reactive gases, just to mention, and the atmosphere ought be very easy to phase in the other units combined, the oxygen ashore world produced entirely at biological processes and preserve If there is not life there will be no free oxygen.
tidal coerce between the Earth and Moon Earth's rotation period will increase by almost 2 milliseconds per century, the latest learn showed that 900 million years ago, merely 18 hours a daytime, The year is 481 days. Earth's magnetic field has a moderate, suggesting that the magnetic field is due to the current in the fluid outer kernel. As the solar wind with Earth's magnetic field and the interaction of the outer atmosphere, the aurora is gained; the imbalance of these factors poles in the ground activity caused by the current magnetic north pole is situated in the Northern Territory of Canada. Because the solar wind with Earth's magnetic field and the interaction of the outer atmosphere, the aurora is obtained.
Earth's catching field and its interaction with the solar air also occasioned the Van Allen radiation strap (Van Allen radiation belts), it is a ring nigh the Earth's coupled with, see like a donut, of gas ions (plasma), with the outer ring from an top of 19,000 km to 41,000 km; inner ring is between 13,000 to 7,600 km above sea level between.
the center of the earth eventually figure out the mystery: the Earth from outdoor to inside, and Gutenberg was Moho surface is divided into three layers are the crust, cloak and the core. crustal rocks are primarily mantle chiefly contains magnesium, iron and silicon peridotite, the core, which is the real heart of the Earth, mainly steel and nickel, where the temperature is over 2001 degrees Celsius.
Earth is the common home of mankind, but as science and technology development and economic expansion of the scale of the global environment over the quondam 30 years, continued to deteriorate. Some file denote that: Since the 1860 disc of meteorological observation equipment, the global average temperature rise tall of 0.6 degrees Celsius, the 13 warmest years since 1983 were .20 in the 80's, the global number of people affected by calamities each year an average of 147 million, and 90 to the 20th century, this diagram rises to 2.11 million. About 40% of the world's population, caustic water shortages, whether this trend is not curbed, in 30 years, extra than 55% of the global population will face water deficits. deterioration of the natural environment is also a solemn threat to wild category on the planet. Today, around 12% of bird species and a quarter of mammals threatened with extinction, meantime one-third of over-fishing has led to depletion of fish resources.
c) Earth Day
1970 年 4 月 22 日in the Pacific Ocean to the United States, people in order to solve environmental pollution problems, spontaneously set off a heavy mass environmental movement. On this day, the nation's 10,000 state schools, 2,000 campuses and universities and 2000 community and major groups totaling more than 2,000 people took to the avenues. It held up the polluted earth prototype,Figure 8, giant paintings, graphics, hurrahing slogans to protect the environment, at ***, gathering and speech, called on the Government to take amounts to protect environment. The grand event, shocked the verdict and against, prompting the U.S. government in the early 70s by the Water Pollution Control Act and the Clean Air Act amendments and the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Since then, the U.S. non-governmental organizations intended to April 22 day as , the world's environmental protection go has made great progress.
1972 年 6 months, the United Nations convened a landmark meeting of the Human Environment, 1973,shanghai massage, created the United Nations Environment Programme, have been established in many countries the environmental management agencies and research institutions, environmental conservation was put on a lot of the national administration program, the environment has been widespread public care. in numerous major multinational meeting on environmental protection has become one of major issues, such as 44 conferences held in 1989, the General Assembly,beijing massage, the Non-Aligned Summit, the Commonwealth Summit, Summit seven western countries to consult environmental issues and so on, and adopted resolutions or manifestations on environmental protection. This shows that environmental protection has become international politics and international relations of the > As the international political environment has become a hot speck, the Earth Day 1990 organizers judged to make Earth Day in 1990 became the 1st international Earth Day, to make hundreds of millions of people are to actively partake in environmental protection. For this reason, the organizers of Earth Day activities, sent a letter to China, the United States, Britain and the United Nations Secretary-General of the chairmen, called for April 22, 1990 as the target appointment to prop high-level environmental meetings lay the basis for the conclusion of multilateral treaties. Calls upon States to take positive treads to approach an approval to halt and reverse the development trend of global environmental degradation. also called on the globe is willing to protect the environment, international cooperation, the Government, held in their br> to commemorate inhabitant an athletic part in deeds to amend the environment. , coincided to in 1990 as an international Earth Day Earth Day for the cause. Asia, Africa, the Americas, many countries and regions have reacted positively to systematize memorial activities. many international unions, such as the International Union of Students, Youth Association for Development and Cooperation , also expressed mighty advocate and athletic participation in earnings amounting to hundreds of millions of people. Since then, the to enhance resource development and coordinated development of environmental protection. China 90 years from the 20th century, the anniversary April 22 Earth Day events are held.
d) In recent years China's Earth Day theme
1974 Only One Earth < br> 1975 years of human living
1976 Water: Vital Resource for Life
1977 年 concerned about ozone depletion, soil erosion, soil degradation and deforestation
1978 Development Without Destruction
1979 years in order to mm of children and the hereafter development of
1980 did not destroy the new 10-year, new challenges mm Development Without Destruction
1981 Protection of groundwater and human food chain; Toxic Chemicals
1982 Anniversary Stockholm 10th Anniversary Conference on the Environment to heave environmental awareness
1983 mm year treatment and disposal of hazardous garbage; Acid Rain and Energy
1984 年 desertification
1985, Young, population, environment, the Environmental
1986 and peace
1987 live
1988 on Environment and Protection of the environment, sustainable development, public participation
1989 年 Global Warming!
1990 Children and the Environment, Climate Change
1991 mm need global cooperation
1992 mm Only One Earth, Care and Share
1993 Poverty and the Environment mm out of the vicious cycle
1994 One Earth One Family
1995 We the People United for Better World
1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
1997 Life on Earth
1998 Life on Earth mm Save Our Seas
1999 Our Earth, is to save the afterward
2000 2000 The Environment Millennium mm to Act!
2001 the World Wide Web of Life
2002 年 Give Earth a Chance
2003 年 treat the earth, protect the environment
2004 years to treat the Earth, the scientific development
2005 年 treat the Earth - the scientific development and agreeable
2006 年 treat the Earth - adore the resources, sustainable development
2007 年 treat the Earth - from the conservation of resources to start
2008: vegetarian on Earth Day a day. (cattle consume large amounts of Valley, beans, and consume large amounts of precious water; for grazing cattle and piglet, sacrificed maiden jungle, causing the greenhouse effect.
Second, eat (at home cooking, eating fair the right heaviness, take leftovers home).
3, refused to use styrofoam, and asked the snack or coffee shop using periodical glasses (styrofoam is a carcinogenic material, it also destroyed defend the Earth's ozone wafer. styrofoam coffee glasses, hit trays, a few hundred years, or refuse to continue to defile the context).
four, refused to buy high mountain tea, mountain vegetables (high mountain tea, mountain vegetables to Taiwan deforestation, destruction of mountain soil and water protection, can not play the function of storing water, and heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers, pollution of water sources and ponds in the ecology).
one, recognizing clothing Source: 1. buy natural cotton , hemp and other natural materials (organic in nature), be recycled. 2. along to standard cleaning clothes to buy clothes and maintenance to amplify the life of clothes.
Second, the claim for the determination, according to: the number of laundry, the capacity of the home, lifestyle, economic status to resolve the four elements of clothing purchase frequency, as good control, not excessive (quality over amount).
Third, current clothes to dress tips:
1. self- cognitive: body, skin color, lifestyle attentions.
2. to find the fashionable focus on: such as width, color, etc., usually in a simple, good cut (D slit) the best performance out of the interaction between male and material relations.
3. Accessories because small size, changing, nice achieve, collecting easier, such as scarves, pins, belts, small quantity of clothing namely is reliable and clothing accessories to highlight the effect of masterpiece.
a, the use of second-hand furniture (whether to purchase a house, hire an suite, more use of second-hand furniture, recycling can save resources, if in the office, the community, organizing normal second-hand thrift Internet commute flea markets, the environment, but also mutual assistance and promote friendship surrounded people).
Second, and more to do with the tree planting home decoration (home decoration do not do transitional preparation should be uncomplicated, natural conviction. home layout does not necessarily man-made materials , may hope to use the nature of natural materials. a variety of flowers and potted plants, try to use indigenous species, the home reside in the courtyard of the natural soil, use less cement, or hard of sidewalk).
three, please receptacles fraught with water, washing fruits and vegetables, dishes, brush your teeth, wash your face, to save precious water (China is the world ranking the Eighteenth-bit water-scarce countries, the current severe drought in southern Taiwan have been caught. France's current policy of promotion of water conservation a bath once a week; if our water consumption continues to worsen, we will face the same situation.
4 rooms of the power supply, air-conditioning concentrate use (for little as likely to open an air-conditioned chamber, who came from a attempt to converge on bureau, to dwindle air-conditioning, electric consumption).
one, take the stairs, no elevator (alive in the building, whether in the office or home, if you do not hurry, we might try to walk car, test do not take the elevator with the stairs instead, saving stamina, but also sports and fitness).
Second, work out to hike, bike, use public transportation, less driving and riding motorcycles.
First, if you keep pets, amuse refuse to buy dogs and cats pest control circulate (while you throw the cats and dogs pest control circulate, the pesticide composition of the Earth's destruction is very strong, and the animal's body would cause serious harm) .
Second, refuse to buy products with the beast experiment (a lot of unnecessary animal tyranny program, in counting to a waste of taxpayer's taxes, resulting in natural genetic inheritance issues, the ecological environment of Taiwan is also a major health problem with no a lot of assist and promotion.
three, refusing to take or use a balloon (the balloon is very difficult to crash down the chemicals, which caused serious pollution on the planet, in addition, when the balloons drift away, could lead to wild animals (eagles, whales or sea turtles, the phenomenon of eating the die). (Note: China from June 1, 2008 onwards, in entire supermarkets, shopping malls, markets and other retail establishments to implement the system of paid use of plastic shopping bags, Consumer advocates carry heavy napkin tape, reiterate basket, reducing the use of plastic bags.)
the current world's altitude ten environmental problems, threatening the top ten environmental problems of human existence is:
(a) Global
warming and people population amplify in the increasing scale of product, unlock into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) , carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), carbon monoxide (CO) and other greenhouse gases proceed to boost, leadership to changes in the combination of the atmosphere. affected climate quality, air is gradually warming. due to global warming, will be on global another effects, higher temperatures could thaw polar ice, sea class will ascend by 6 cm in 10 years, which will grant some coastal areas were submerged. global warming may affect rainfall and atmospheric propagation changes to unstable climate, could easily guide to droughts and torrents, which may lead to changes and havoc of ecosystems, global climate change will have a meaningful impact on person lives.
(b) of the ozone layer depletion and destruction
away from the Earth's surface from 10 to 50 km in the stratosphere 90% of the earth concentrated ozone gas in the ground 25 kilometers away from the highest ozone concentration, the formation of a thickness of about 3 mm layer of ozone concentration, known as the ozone layer. It can sponge the sun's ultraviolet rays to protect life on earth from extravagant UV abuse, and energy storeroom in the upper atmosphere, play a role in regulating climate. However, the ozone layer is a very fragile atmosphere, if you enter the number of ozone-depleting gases , they will, and ozone chemistry of the ozone layer will be destroyed. the ozone layer is destroyed, the ground would be to increase the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, life on the earth to bring excellent harm. research shows that ultraviolet radiation damage Biological proteins and genetic material DNA, causing compartment death; the increased occurrence of skin cancer in humans; damage eyes and cause blindness cataract leaving; quelled plants such as soybeans, melons, vegetables and other growth, and perceive 10 meters deep layer of water, slaying plankton and micro-organisms, thereby endangering the aquatic edible fetter and a source of free oxygen, affecting the ecological poise and water self-purification capacity.
(c) wastage of biodiversity
Diversity. years, due to fast population growth and irrational human resources development, paired with environmental pollution and other reasons, the Earth's various biological and ecological systems has been a great impact on biological variety has also been a lot of damage. For savants estimate that the world every year at fewest 50,000 varieties of species extinction, extinction of species per day up to 140, it is estimated the early 21st century, the loss of wildlife around the world up to the total number of 15% to 30%. In China, due to population growth and economic development oppressions, the unreasonable use of biological resources, and destruction, biodiversity losses suffered very serious, some more than 200 species have become extinct; estimated that approximately 5,000 species of plants in recent years have been endangered, these accounting for about 20% of the total number of higher plants; about 398 vertebrate species are also at the endangered status, accounting for about 7.7% of the total number of vertebrates. Therefore, protect and save biological diversity and the the living conditions of biological survival, is also ahead us an important mission.
(d) Acid Rain Acid rain refers to the scatter of
precipitation pH (PH value) of less than 5.6 rain, sleet or other forms of precipitation. This is a declaration of air pollution. Acid rain effects on the human environment in many ways. rain fall into creeks, lakes, will prevent water fish, shrimp growth, resulting in reduction or extinction of fish and shrimp; acid rain has also led to acidification, destruction of soil nutrients to the soil barren of harm plant growth, resulting in crop production, endangering the forest's growth. In addition, acid rain and also the corrosion of erection materials, pertinent information that indicates the final ten-year, a number of sites in acid rain area in particular,shanghai escort, stone, stone or bronze sculptures of the damage over the past hundred years or more, or even thousand years. the world are yet three major acid rain. acid rain in south China is not the only governance.
(e) Forest dropped
In today's Earth, Our green shade - the forest is 4000 square kilometers at an average annual rate of disappear. forests, water conservation function to reduce its damage, resulting in the cutback of species and soil erosion, reducing the absorption of carbon dioxide in turn exacerbate the greenhouse effect.
(f) desertification
60% of global land area, of which 29% area of ​​deserts and desertification. Every year 600 million hectares of land into desert. 423 million in economic losses each year . worldwide in arid and semi-arid land 50 million hectares, of which 3.3 billion was the threat of desertification. resulting in an annual 600 million hectares of farmland, 900 million hectares of pastoral lost productivity. the cradle of human civilization, the Tigris, the Euphrates ravine, the pregnant soil into a abandon. China's Yellow River The Yellow River ---- and soil erosion are very serious.
(g) air pollution
the chief ingredient of air pollution particulate stuff, carbon monoxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and lead. Air pollution causes 30-70 million people every year die prematurely because of soot pollution, 25 million children suffering from continuing laryngitis, 400-700 million rural women and babies undergo.
(h) water pollution
Water is the best of our everyday needs, but also one of the greatest exposure to the substance, merely is now water has transform dangerous.
(IX) of marine pollution, coastal region
human activities of nitrogen and phosphorus by 50% - 200%; excess nutrients cause algal growth along the seashore; the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Black Sea, the East China Sea, ruddy tides happen. maritime pollution caused frequent incidence of ruddy tide, demolished mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass, the sharp drip in offshore fish and fishery losses ponderous.
transboundary movement of hazardous waste is defined in the hazardous waste other than radioactive waste, with the chemical movement or noxious, gunpowder, corrosive, and other human characteristics of the living environment of harmful waste. the United States Resource Conservation and Recovery Act stipulates that the so-called hazardous waste and solid waste is a medley of several solid, because of its high volume and concentration,shanghai escort, may cause or lead to increased human mortality, or cause serious or difficult to remedy ailments caused by residual waste.
vii) the earth's natural disasters
1. quake
2. Volcanic blast
3. mudslides
4. erosion
5. landslide
6 . tornado
7. Typhoon
8. tsunami
9. hail
10. storm wave
11. biological disasters
12. drought
13. flood
14 . cold

Do no trip

Zhe father Thursday and also a small business, estimated at 26 month old son birthday is not back in time, so I must take Saturday and Sunday to companion a small Zhe Feng Wan quite much adore the two days. < br> Saturday, the climate agreeable over there early in the morning went to the lair opening of the fashionable China Science and Technology Museum,ambition noambitiont will occur sea, the current salon of course is agreeable and what are the great and small Zhe particularly amused in Science and Technology Museum lobby ceiling, Because it has N changes can heave more than the pearly pellet babies. We came back not too many people, but the technology did not take long later the babies, the more people who park up,shanghai massage, saw up saw, a lot of the parents than by children. small Zhe on here Special novelty and all that like to play every entity must fill. from 9 in the morning to one o'clock and more into play,shanghai massage, merely also refused to bring an end to ... for lunch, so he agreed he would take him visiting here afterward time, small Zhe This fond memories from that bring an end to ... of.
afternoon at the North Star side of the KFC for lunch, Thursday to tell small Zhe dad aboard a commerce trip, hearing to grievances in small-Zhe, said: Do not tumble, I consider entire the afflict your heart! To prop him apt the small Zhe it namely close to the elated dad, for terror of flying hh
father Sunday morning and then Zhe mortar and small menagerie, lunch approximating the afternoon, sudden strong wind, small Zhe always said namely the appoint leaves his face, and then two human start at the zoo on the road, tread on to the ground by the air from the leaves to be regarded for the a punishment. every step on a leaf, a small Zhe on the formatting of music, so 2 folk tin activity the whole day at the zoo!
kindergarten educator final weekend, the children decorated two actions, Unity on Monday to pay. one is her mother and father to complete a hand,guangzhou massage, the additional one is the fruit of the fall collection to pay up. for Trinidad Zoo persimmon tree, immediately is the time ripe persimmon, base in one small Zhe style yellow persimmon tree after hanging on to the father said: said: in advance of a mini over Zhe-year-old's birthday, so on Sunday night, approximately a small Zhe's uncle, cheerful on the outdoor a lot of corruption, was originally scheduled a birthday bread, but bun is ample we are all rice brandy full before sent over, everyone's abdomen is no location to setup,guangzhou escort, and then consult the next day to eat and small Zhe, son touched his circular abdomen to eat readily agreed, so on our final night in a painful and happy to share a quick son's birthday cake!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2007 National Geographic Photo Contest Entries Photography Category Animals 2 --- Kiss May 13

2007 National Geographic Photo Contest Entries Photography Category Animals 2 --- Kiss May 13,toronto escorts,I truly adore blank the idea a chaotic agreeable apt drink, 2007 photo in Yunnan

Michael pedicle and Alstom's starting routine

Tencent Sports News: The Day, the Rockets (4-2) will be away against vindicating champion Miami Heat (3-2), sense, Yao Ming, Shaquille O'Neal can have on how to play, the importance of a rocket can effect more than 4 consecutive season. < br> approximation of the data has no real averaging immediately! each side for of injuries final season, missed the meet, and seasoned a qualitative mushroom in the previous quarter, Yao Ming and the fashionable season proceed to rise - to the season, Yao meant 26.2 points and 9.3 rebounds , namely the highest scoring center in the association, yet O'Neal under the affect of additional factors in the injury,shanghai massage, averaging only 13.7 points and 6.7 rebounds in the rendition approximation of 2 fundamental alterations have taken area.
in the Oct. 26 preseason The Rockets have the experience of confrontation with the Heat, the focus of this nation live the fierce battle opposition the definition is further the warm-up mate, 96-71 in the Rockets win of good road,period and control the attribute mall spume attributerty taxes lonely ambition increase .., Yao's 14 points and 13 rebounds 3 blocks O'Neill has too overwhelmed the 9 points 5 rebounds 2 blocks. Of lesson, it is conceivable, equitable because of knee injury sidelined O'Neal back two states is bound to exert retaliate. Tracy McGrady has said: customary activity, Yao Ming is Best.
Tracy McGrady disinclined to surrender Wade
6 battle this season, averaging 18.5 points to 6.2 helps and 5.7 rebounds 1.3 steals, while 39.6% of unsatisfactory accuracy, but the state is picking up in the field of public opinion namely he ambition meet is the buffet rate of 47.4%, from the data disadvantage aboard Tracy McGrady,toronto escort, but Yao Ming is favor O'Neal will not agree defeat, favor Wade, Tracy McGrady will be willing to acknowledge defeat to What?
team data
previous three-game winning streak rocket reflect the public opinion has been the meaning of gives extra confidence - averaging 96.66 points, nevertheless ranked only 20th in league, but the Heat of the penultimate league totally 91.6 2; Rockets antagonist averaging 91 points restrict, but Miami is 98.6 points; rocket hit rate 47.2%, Miami 44.7%. rebounding for the Rockets dominated, averaging 42.5, limiting opponents 35.83, while the Heat, averaging 39.2, limiting opponents 41.6.
rocket is expected to not play the field thing Sura, of course, Wales is still the availability of Aspect enable 1; Miami district will be without Jason knee injury - Williams. Van Gundy is expected to continue to use Yao, Chuck Hayes, Shane Battier, Michael pedicle and Alstom's beginning routine, Miami zone for O'Neal, Udonis Haslem, Antoine Walker, Dwyane Wade and Gary Payton.

eminent filtration efficiency pollution a web rate of a unattached filter

Plaza of new air purifier is immediately Amway clean living environment for existing pet dander, bacteria, dust, pollen, cooking odors and other air pollutants and the development of home technology products. More than 100 of which condenses the wisdom of science and technology personnel , after 70,005 more than 1 thousand hours (8 years) well-developed, universal patent or know-how procured over 66, yet also a accumulation of super-efficiency filter net, speed clean, quiet and energy-saving, superior performance of the 4 Intelligent Systems, you at home, granting you to take a deep breath to enjoy the net.
fresh clean air by the beginning of life
dirty dress can be cleaned;
wrong food, and tin be discarded;
whether air contamination,
We Can not breathe?
air pollution is not optimistic
present, the earth air pollution namely not optimistic. air generally surpassed the concentration of suspended particles, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide pollution remains high, vehicle exhaust Environmental Protection in China persisted to ascend hh published the How do we assure the health and clean living?
remain indoors, near the door skylight, we can breathe you amusement?
Indoor Air invisible invisible
According to statistics, about 70% lifetime of the time spent indoors, inhaling air at 12 cubic meters per capita, and metropolis residents about 70% -90% per day in the time spent in assorted indoor environments. Therefore, the air quality is required to human health.
we watch see the flat surface, shiny furniture, transparent cup hh can not know if the wash indoor air. In truth, every chamber space, could conceal the hidden air pollution. The World Health Organization (WHO) report, approximately half of the human in the indoor air pollution. Dalian An Liyi new air cleaner @ likewise your emotion ecology! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping install
3 types of indoor air pollutants
① biological But the spread of pollutants
wide scope of small, fast, easy to cause sneezing, eye irritation, cough, asthma and other allergic responses.
bacteria, viruses
of the large number and wide to spread very fast, easily cause many diseases.
fungal spores
lightly in watery warm areas spread in the air, breeding, long-term exposure easily lead to allergies, asthma.
dust, dust mites cause respiratory embarrassment
, it is breeding ground for dust mites and fungi. dust mites are highly small insects, constantly grow in mattresses, bed sheets and layout of furniture or suspended in the air, increasing the incidence of asthma.
outside pollen as well as vases
Flowers are produced in the pollen, allergy can cause respiratory tract after inhalation, eye and skin apparently does not.
pet and people hair, dander
very small, easy to enter the human respiratory system, and as dust mites and fungi provide gainful conditions for breeding.

odor from pets, cooking, waste and human and so on. smell repugnant, of home life and neighborhoods.
③ chemical pollutants
from cigarettes, renovation, cleaning supplies and furniture, lengthened exposure to stimulate the rind, nervous and respiratory tract,2008 年 5.12 behind the earthquake, bringing health hazards.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the International Agency for Research on Cancer decided to be human Class A carcinogen, involving carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other noxious materials, and hundreds of carcinogens, lung damage is still in the developmental stages of children is particularly serious.

formaldehyde plywood furniture from the everyday, pressing embark , urea formaldehyde resin-ups and layer, are classified as dangerous carcinogens. high levels of formaldehyde can irritate the eyes, neb and respiratory system will guide to severe asthma.
including benzene, toluene, xylene, etc., in which some of the compounds identified by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen. effectively organic solvents from a variety of materials, such as paint, coatings additives and wallpaper, blankets, synthetic fiber and so on. Long-term exposure to chronic poisoning, nervous breakdown and blood symptoms. severe aplastic anemia can occur even leukemia, died.

from the taint radon gas, rocks and granite. Radon gas is colorless, odorless, laborious to detect, radon decay products more will amass in the lungs, is the second source of the ailment caused by lung cancer, which ranks second only to smoking Dalian An Liyi @ new air purifier is also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, which environment free delivery installation
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just elaboration or upkeep of homes
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relatively closed or subject to passive smoking in the home
are fertile women, newborns home
would like high quality of life of people affected by the residence.
air purifiers, air purification
simple and effective clean indoor air, thoroughly clean with regular airing is essential, but the effect is not enough. Air Purifier mm to clean the air becomes a easy and effective! It can quickly remove the indoor air of solid and gaseous pollutants, such as tiny dust, cigarette smoke, Output short to clean air! Dalian An Liyi @ new air purifier is also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping install

superior performance advantages over the four filter net pollution is not longer valid < br> Yat new set of triple-filter air purifiers can effectively filter the net more than 80 air pollutants.
first re-mm pre-filter air purifying
larger motes such as dust, cilia additional.
The second high-efficiency particulate filter
mmHEPA can effectively suspended in the air purifying bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, pollen, asbestos, radon decay products and other pollutants more than 70
HEPA filter
High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor acronym, averaging high efficiency air filters. by the net rate of single-filter, HEPA filter to filter the air standards to small particles of 0.3 microns, filter net rate of 99.97% was widely used in claiming air quality hospitals, laboratories and workshops and other places of accuracy instruments.
quite large place of ​​outstanding
HEPA filter efficiency of high efficiency particulate filter of the filter surface area is proportional to its net performance. Yat new air HEPA purifier with high efficiency particulate filter multilayer folding, folded after the commencement of area percentage additional by about 14.5 times, net performance is superior filter.
excellent filtration efficiency pollution a net rate of a single filter, Yat new HEPA air purifier with high efficiency particulate filter is much higher than the net effect of filter HEPA filter! it can filter down to 0.009 microns, highly penetrating airborne particles, filtration rate was as high as 99.99%! HEPA high efficiency particulate filters can filter pollutants
net performance of air pollutants - Diameter - 5 run-time speed high-efficiency particulate filter HEPA filter net performance
dust mite antigen - 18.71 microns ------ 100%
influenza virus -0.098 microns ------- 99.99%
coronavirus (SARS )----- 0.11 micron ------ - 99.99%
L. pneumophila Legionella ---- -------- 100%
0.52 micron Streptococcus pneumoniae -0.707 microns ------- 100%
pollen debris -8.66 micron -------- 100% new air purifier, Dalian An Liyi @ also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping install
third tier mm scent filter
high weight, large area of ​​activated carbon adsorption composition, the net effective filtering tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, dioxin and ozone odor and harmful chemical pollutants in the air! which help to filter special net with 2 catalyst for formaldehyde,toronto escorts, to ensure better filter net effect of formaldehyde.
structure unique and extremely effective in absorbing odor filter
smell from the coconut shell activated carbon made by the special management, and was pressed into cylindrical in fashion, without presupposition to the premise of air propagation, so that activated carbon that smell and touch as many chemical pollutants, addition the success of new air purifier Yat essence of the adsorption capability of an area
the net effect of filtering the activated carbon odor filter has a large adsorption area, superior aptitude to filter the net . According to research, the heaviness of 1 gram of activated carbon adsorption area of ​​up to 500-1500 square meters broad, and Yat the smell of new air purifier with activated carbon filter weighs 1900 grams, the adsorption area of ​​about 160 million square meters, the equivalent of 224 football fields, wonderful purifiers odor and noxious chemical contaminants.
Yat new and effective air purifier filter air pollutants
net tobacco dust, cat allergen cockroach allergens in dust allergen dog allergens Silkworm mite antigen latex leaves debris Bacillus bacteria Bordetella pertussis parrot
wand diphtheria Feilangxisi chlamydia bacteria Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae
L. pneumophila bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis green infantry pus bacillus bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae grape skin fungal spores of Beauveria fungus Cladosporium fungi
Acremonium Ploughshares tenuis Aspergillus fungus Ustilago Exophiala corn fungus spore plasma membrane pilus folder fungi fungus Paecilomyces Penicillium
cassette lung cinerea fungus dark red yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Escherichia coli bacteriophage virus coronavirus adenovirus hantavirus
Coxsackie virus influenza A virus measles virus mumps virus Parvovirus reovirus rhinovirus respiratory syncytial virus rubella virus
varicella virus - herpes zoster virus smallpox spores cedar pollen Arizona Arizona cypress pine birch and cedar cypress Taxodium abandon dandelion clover ragweed ragweed ragweed
autumn elm false unicorn hastily Hazelnut Hill Walnut Italian cypress tree, Japanese cedar Liquidambar (gum) mugwort mulberry orchard grass
annoy tree structure short ragweed ragweed pollen fine crumbs AC fine dust of asbestos minerals ragweed chemical formaldehyde, radon decay products
dioxins dibenzofurans new ozone air purifier
Yat net of air pollutants can be filtered particle diameter
air pollutants - particle diameter
allergens - almost 2.5-19 microns
bacteria - about 0.2-1.1 micron
fungal spores - about 1.4-18 microns
virus - about 0.3 microns
pollen - about 6-52 microns Dalian An Liyi new air cleaner @ also your feeling nature! Shenyang Free Shipping in Dalian, Anshan speed clean install and enjoy fresh

Yat new air purifier fresh air, a large number of high-speed output, build up the promotion of air quality
confirmed that Yi has a new air purifier clean air high volume (CADR), the output per minute up to about 7.1 cubic meters of clean air. The Ad Hoc was 36 square meters of indoor air, quick processing odors, smoke and other air pollutants.
up air afford + lofty up the motor
unique outlet chart, placed in the walls, and corners in tight spaces or to its purified performance; efficient air motor petitions, but also help the formation of large-scale air circulation, expedite the improvement of indoor air quality.
speed 1 ---- 1.4 m3 / min 50 CFM
speed 2 ---- 2.8 m3 / min 100 CFM
speed 3 ---- 4.2 cubic meters / minute velocity 150 CFM
4 ---- 5.7 cubic meters / minute speed 200 CFM
5 ---- 7.1 cubic m / min 250 CFM
quiet energy-saving ease of use
Yat new air purifier, quiet operation, energy saving, ease of use to you and your family without the burden.

very silence sprinting operation to a stall speed , the ruckus merely 28 dB, such as energy saving

murmurs to a stall speed operation, the annual power consumption of only 35 degrees, electricity is only 22 yuan, and its superior energy performance in U.S. EPA issued the ENERGY STAR (Energy Star) Energy certification standards.
* Calculation of power consumption and electricity to a stall speed, operating 24 hours 1 daytime, 1 case in 365 days operation; cost with reference to local residents electricity criterion mm 0.61 yuan / kWh.
Amway air purifier has a five-speed speed correction, also includes automatic detection of air quality, wind speed automatic operation corresponding to filter pollutants.
hint light dust particles / m Start running the sound power level operation (dB SPL) electricity: yuan / day
green 0-501 file 4W 28 0.06
yellow 50-1002 file 9W 40 0.13
yellow 100 - 1503 18W 49 0.26
file ruddy 150-2004 stalls 34W 56 0.50
red light more than 2005 stalls 59W 61 0.86
suburbs nigh nightly
whispers about 20 dB 25 dB
cricket sounds about 40 decibels quieter bureau

quiet about 50 dB 70 dB inside the automobile about a new air purifier, Dalian An Liyi @ also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping easy to use smart systems to install

Yat new special intelligent system air purifier,
automatically adjusted based on air quality
machine running speed,
allows you to enjoy convenient user-friendly operation. < br>
air quality to keep up with particle sensors, which automatically detects the capabilities that the indoor air quality at a glance. automatic mode is activated, the machine operation will be based on particle velocity sensor automatically switches the sensor data. keep control of indoor air quality and filter effects, adjust speed, and extension of air quality.
heart set via the control panel or remote control set-time, and provide from 30 minutes to 12 hours a variety of adoptions. settings light decreases with the use of time, after the automatic shut down, will help dwindle electricity waste.
control speed freely ------
filter filter life monitor intelligent monitor exhibits real time status of the filter is dirty smart caution you clean or replace the filters, and forever maintain good indoor air.
------ Select manual mode speed from 1 to 5 files.
auto mode ------ monitoring sensors based on Particle to automatically modify the speed of air quality in the shortest feasible period improve indoor air quality.
------ ultra-high speed mode to run 30 minutes, 5-speed wind, rapid clean indoor air!
easy remote control --- --- remote control feature, in anyone edge of the room can be freely regulated, efficient and handy.

AHAM certification authority, quality certainty certification
AHAM Appliance Manufacturers Association of the United States stands with its clean air volume (CADR) appraisal standards in 1988 at the American National Standards Institute ANSI (American National Standards Institute) accustom for small air purifier equipment certification standards, has become the maximum major air purifier performance test arrows. obey with AHAM standards products must pass third-party laboratory testing, subject to annual re-examination ahead the fuselage and the packaging name AHAM certification mark for clients nail.
as a non-profit neutral union, AHAM widely available United States manufacturers and consumer recognition. that it is the U.S. sales of household electrical appliances for testing, is also a standard creation technology to preserve product quality. AHAM standards are developed by including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Unites States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA), U.S. Department of Energy (US Department of Energy, US DOE), including recognition of a number of important institutions.
Energy Star certified air purifier
Yat encounter new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star (Energy Star) certification standards.
Energy Star is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1992 attach with U.S. Department of Energy, the mutual together contractors, retailers and other manufacturers to make 1000 energy efficiency standards, is committed to creating energy efficient, high-efficiency products, to attain cutback of carbon dioxide emissions and improve environmental quality and the final goal.
from July 2004 along, Energy Star rating for air purification, loyal with its certification standards must be higher than mercantile power air purifier at least low average power Guarantee 35%. this embodiment of the new air purifier Yat is a high performance, low power consumption of environmentally friendly products
Tsinghua University, the built environment performance testing
Test Center Test Center of Tsinghua University relies ashore the built surroundings at Tsinghua University Architecture College, has a large digit of perfected laboratory equipment, follow the strict quality management system. The center of China Metrology Accreditation (CMA) and the China National Accreditation Board as Conformity Assessment (CNAS) in recognition of its air monitoring, appraisal has the compel of statute. According to Environmental Monitoring Center of Tsinghua University Plaza building a new air detergent,shanghai massage, rendition testing, has concluded that:
Yat new air purifier on the amounted solid and gaseous pollutants have reached the level of purification efficiency of the the highest level of A-level. Among them, the purification efficiency of solid pollutants is 9.10 m3 / hW, is the A class performance standard value 2.00 m3 / hW 4.5 times. This shows that the only air purifier Yat new cheap consumption energy can generate large measures of clean air, fully certified Yat new energy-saving air purifier performance.
Yat new air purifier indoor air of prevalent pollutants measured within 2 hours of the removal rate of up to 90% Yat new air purifier that a variety of common indoor air pollutant removal are excellent.
Yat new representative indoor air purifiers on the purification efficiency of pollutants (Environmental Monitoring Center of Architecture, Tsinghua results Abstract)
of Formaldehyde
time (minutes) 0 ----- 10-30-60-120-360
removal rate (%) 0 ----- 53.99----- 72.49 ----- 83.52 ------ 90.23 ------ 94.74
results show namely the new wind purifier Plaza at 120 minutes extra than the removal rate of formaldehyde 90%, indicating namely the current Plaza Air Purifier can mainly refine the formaldehyde, to prevent its scatter in the climate.
purify aggregate number of bacteria
time (minutes) 0 ---- 15-30 ------- 60 ------ - 90
removal rate (%) 0 ----- 67.18 ---- 90.62 --- 97.66 ---- 99.06
results show that the new air purifier Yat 90 minutes of bacterial The removal rate of 99.06%, indicating that the new Plaza has a good air purifier purifying bacteria effect, prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and infection in the air.
purification of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC)
time (minutes ) 0 ---- 10 ------- 20 ------- 30 ------ 40 ----- 50 ------- 60 ------ -120
removal rate (%) 0 ---- 71.83 --- 83.58 --- 88.99 - 95.9 --- 97.76 --- 98.82 --- 99.74
results show that the new air purification Yat device TVOC in 120 minutes when the removal rate of 99.74%, indicating Yat new air purifier is very efficacious purification TVOC, so that more fresh air.
mm cigarette cloud purification of solid pollutants
time (min) 0 --- 4 ------ 8-12 ------- 16 ------- 18 ------- 20 ------- 40 ----- --- 60
removal rate (%) 0 --- 47.3 --- 82.22 ----- 94.8 99.1 ---- ---- ---- 98.42 99.49 --- 99.98 --- -99.99
results show that the new air purifier Yat in the 18th minute removal of solid pollutants up to 99%, 60 minutes as high as 99.99%. in entire test pollutants, Yat new air purifier removal of solid contaminants on the best.
Jiang Qinqin pleasure endorsement
2010, the enterprise invited the prominent film star Jiang Qinqin Ambassadors as home technology products. Jiang Qinqin the happy life of its experience, Amway prototype interpretation of a series of high-tech home technology, user-friendly products, the quality of passing the pursuit of healthy living.
Jiang Qinqin, Wenwan Shu Ya, who was on screen superb deeding starred in more than videos and TV, renowned endorsement

Jiang Qinqin happy crowd and the manufacture loved and approved.
recent years, Jiang Qinqin beauty from the award-winning screen become into intimate wife, good mom, from the peak into the reason of a merry kin, multiple life roles, let her enjoy it, must cope. Now, she exudes a natural mature, subtle and fashionable traditional and ongoing beauty of modern Chinese women.
selfless love, and everyone from small family, the family brought to Jiang Qinqin emotion and sublimation, made her more love of life and care for the community. In recent years, she was an athletic part in public welfare enterprises, to his eagerness and love, is passed to the more more people need help and concern. In the face of a overflow of public recognition, Jiang Qinqin some warm insight: It is a warm habitat in idea. !
Yat new air purifier needs normal cleaning and upkeep, to invest the best performance

filter maintenance on the control panel when the detector pre-filter indicator light turns red, and continue to flash, the need to pre-filter removed from the body clean. the general clean-up dust with a vacuum cleaner, very dirty, wash with warm water, dry thoroughly and then into the fuselage. according to the same method of cleaning particulate filter sensors net.
* dirt fewer time: about 12 months clean 1.
* dirt more time: about 2 months clean 1.
(a long time regardless of operating speed, pre-filter must be at least cleaned once a year)
replacement HEPA high efficiency particulate filter and odor filter
HEPA high efficiency particulate filter and odor filter as the air quality and the life of a long run, the wind speed may be. HEPA high efficiency particulate filter life of 3 months to 5 years, and odor filter life of 4-12 months. When the control plate with high efficiency particulate filters or HEPA filter monitor indicator light odor from the natural operation of the When the green to yellow, to be replaced within 2 weeks. if not replaced, 2 weeks after the indicator from yellow to red and continue to flash until the reset appointment replacement.
(fresh or after replacement of any piece of filter , to be re-set the filter monitor. using ballpoint pen or paper clip end of the corresponding filter tap
slightly damp cloth to obliterate dry after the body shell. more filthy, with a mild cleaner (such as melody new multi-purpose condensed cleaner) to clean, do not use ammonia alternatively alcohol, draw thinner, cleaning deputies, so break to the fuselage.
* regardless of status, high-efficiency particulate filters be replaced at least once every 5 years, odor filters be replaced once a year at least.
* High-efficiency particulate filter and odor filter replacement is needed can only be replaced, not cleaned.
* Yat new air purifier is not suggested in factories, bars and other areas to use serious pollution, so can not play a clean performance, shorten filter life and cause breakdown.
* should be replaced high-efficiency particulate filter and odor filter, you can shop contact with Amway.
* Filter life reckoned to manipulate 24 hours 1 day, 1 year 365 days running sample.

the initiation of compassion

23 is a infrequent daytime of nice weather, mighty father and I resolved to take Zhuangzhuang to the menagerie to look real beasts, daytime in front of a picture paperback, Zhuangzhuang has acknowledged the many animals, yet the real live animals, only grandmother seen big cock and a duck, then the excitement Zhuangzhuang likewise flash in front of awkward, so I calculate it should be extra contact with the baby of ecology, a lot of experience some of the good.
We went to the Monkey Mountain, where the apes merely merely a dozen quit, scattered sparse, only a few guests to discard a few in the snatch with their food, it is quite boring, so it only took one because Zhuangzhuang Liugejinian. according to this photos, I suddenly found the inverse was gratifying green leaves, flowers bloom flourish, so the lens to migrate up some, clarify the scene of spring back. you understand, the city has fair published a new green trees, no green to be so Shing, may be because numerous of trees here, the cause the temperature namely higher, so the early arrival of spring namely here.
here oriental pearly stork and black stork families.
Panthers a black satin brocade coat,000 acres of sterile hills and green, such for by him increase a touch of secret,toronto escorts, leopard into a cage in the Rye.
out two feminine lions back to Outlook with
bored over and over repeatedly the number of tigers left to right their own pace, went to the walls, rotated, and then to the wall, then rotated into a cage hedge Barbara.
hippo often dive underwater, massive flowers of spray thrown up, and eventually exposed head, to one.
We are intruding, some venues are creature renewed and Botanical Garden reconstruction, elephant and giraffe have moved indoors, but this is not quite the eagerness of Zhuangzhuang to see giraffe, the Zhuangzhuang have been giggle, probably because every the window, the giraffe is particularly high in the room, right? long neck stretched over,toronto escort, we always favor to brain out into the favor. Zhuangzhuang the period spent here is a long period fearful.
for us adults to say, this trip to the zoo is unsatisfactory, not only because of the park redevelopment, may be recently seen a lot of always feel that some misfortune, the initiation of sympathy, never felt so happy Zhuang Zhuang.
But this time, Zhuangzhuang still very cheerful, and come back see by the picture, it is often a very joyous hand up pointing to the zoo junket should still be left a memory.

made one instance as the peep companies. in the face of sudden disaster

All Friends of the furniture giant pandas love to phone friends all love the whole nature
Friends of Friends of the full service furniture how to Microtek Microtek Microtek
furniture recently, been closely following the 5.12 earthquake in the Wolong Giant Panda full dynamic Friends of the furniture, the notable Great Wall in Beijing Commune held a theme of mark new slogan, and through the new brand appeal mm , this is an inheritance and enhancement. can be looked, over the years,toronto escort, essence idea is permanent bonds with the Panda, 2004, the Wolong staff members had been salvaged from the hero of the savage giant panda mommy Ray Friends of the furniture out of mammoth amounts of money for life panda option, bringing the full Friends of the furniture to and struck Panda, Panda After 2007, all Friends of furniture after another in Jinan, Shandong and Chongqing lifelong adoption of the giant panda, named the Garden .
2008 年 5.12 later the earthquake, the first in-depth full-friendly furniture in manifold catastrophe areas apt assist emancipate the affected human in the meantime, the Wolong Giant Panda has been closely emulating the evolutions, and pray for the country's first gigantic panda love, love of ecology furniture undertakings to actively raise asset as the relief treasure panda. This year April 14, Yushu County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred, so that people across the nation whom the heartache and fret. As China's largest furniture manufacture always the quick response of the Friends of furniture , give a helping hand to the first crisis mobilization of extra than 100 million yuan worth of carpets, bedding,shanghai massage, tents and additional relief supplies, help earthquake relief work Yushu in Qinghai Province, to tide over our compatriots to do meek. At the same period, the whole Friends of the corporation is likewise redoubling its exertions to mobilize the corporate headquarters workers and extra than 600 offices situated throughout the country, stores doing together, raising relief asset and matters to follow-up, timely aid for people in calamity areas.
has been created since 1986, all Friends of the furniture in the cultural field of pedagogy, social welfare activities has been actively playing its role, made an example for the peek companies. in the face of sudden disaster, all friends is more rapid, sustained train of corporate social duty operations. In adding, from the first Adopt jungle in western Sichuan, the Chengdu Giant Panda to life adoption giant panda protection pedestal; love and liberalness from the prevalent holding, caring student welfare activities, etc., to sponsor the national anti-desertification projects. Over the years, all Friends of the furniture in the society is the water,long-term outlook, all friends of fish, always grateful,

it ought likewise defend our own ah

Often see media reports : certain parts of the wild boar seen for years ; certain portions of the bird not seen for years ; certain chapters of the black bear had not seen for many years ; certain parts of the leopard had not seen for many years ; certain parts of the tiger so many years and so on. wild animals nigh us there is proof of nature with our years of green space but also to protect the ecological poise of wildlife is quite successful !
,which erratic changes caused along universal climate, however, I also see is : wild boar , birds, dark bears , leopards, tigers there , not only destroyed the crops , fish ponds, also arose in wild animals hurt entities .
defend our blue planet , to protect our Nature , so that wild animals and we persons live together in the blue planet, this is our common wish !
However, what ought be protected,toronto escorts, how to live together then ?
we look wild animals Return , not only devastated the harvests of farmers and hard category of fish reservoirs , merely too ache human; marred crops, demolished fish ponds, some farmers can obtain compensated for , whatsoever, those living in remote mountainous places, wild animals Adjacent to the lives of farmers who protect ?!
laborer life, namely how many money can not repay as , ah ! apt cherish our wild animals; peasants must adore our lives ,beijing escort!
protect nature To protect wildlife, protect the ecological balance of nature , we have to vigorously promote , but at the outset to protect our lives ah ( live in remote mountainous areas at the farmers )!
when the living environment of the woods circled us When wild animals to our neighbors , why not let those who live in peril of farmers retreated to a safe area life? the conservation of wild animals , it should also protect our own ah !
Therefore , we would favor some of the ministries, Think almost the things in this regard .
May we always live in truce and brutal animals alive in this lush ecology ; I wish we tin be elated and savage animals living in the blue planet .

I stood third in 2009 triumphed the Alxa SEE Ecological Association and The Nature Conservancy ...

I stood third in 2009 won the Alxa SEE Ecological Association and The Nature Conservancy Association Award because Excellence ecological ,for not an ambition favor the Amazon rill of butterflies,beijing massage

This namely maybe the ecology of the admonition

< br>

MSN Spaces absolute shake to the Sina blog ,Green refers blue!

life for so numerous years in the Northeast ,toronto escorts, had never looked such a scene of ice - the ice cliff of the mountain overhanging into the scene , the rock Built ashore top of a big cap , and its shape varied gods . This ice- covered mountain scenery ghastly! ice , such for animals, such as construction , such as cascades, such as the fairy anecdote ! When I was in photography , where the Friends group was the clash of Known apt have such a spectacle , it ambition immediately go shooting , nevertheless some outlook has melted ,toronto escorts, merely still unbelievable ! I went by noin due time, the nightfall went apt a a.m. went another. The scene reminds me of Predictions of the hereafter globe , whether we do no attention about and adore the globe we live context , perhaps from now on, we live in a globe transform so frozen world! This is perhaps the nature of the warning , maybe a natural Human cynical counsel. May we cherish the Earth , cherish our home !

there are a lot of people are merely compliant to use when eating out of disposable chopsticks

Environmental protection is an essential contemporary issues and the future globe, our people ecology, creating a fashionable earth in the use of one hand and the need to protect our ecology. Because economic evolution can not outlay of the context, otherwise, would demolish person of ecology. In truth, in real life, as long as its a tiny consideration, some nice environmental practice to develop a. Everyone has this sense, the improvement of our context just around the turn. Maybe, environmental habits can be chart began anyhow!
accustomed one: try to send their own chopsticks
Background: The environmentalists advised that the current rate, China will be hack in 20 years, always the forests. at a time just a little environmental consciousness, a human the use of disposable wooden chopsticks are a bit uncomfortable when the mmm chopsticks is small, but by the expense of large tracts of woods in return. China's environmentalists have challenged the traditional dishes, shrieked to stop using disposable chopsticks.
advocacy : If you work to a restaurant, recommend the use of general chopsticks, rejected the use of disposable chopsticks. While everybody eating out experience in the use of disposable chopsticks, there are a lot of human are only compliant to use when eating out of disposable chopsticks, in such a way that more hygienic, security. However, some studies show that this damage is far greater than disposable chopsticks a non-sterile disposable tableware. After bleaching of sulfur gases, will generate a large digit of components of sulfur dioxide, and sulfur dioxide will be solidified when cooled. Therefore, when you use this chopsticks , sulfur dioxide is easy with the solidification of the flow of air to the respiratory tract, causing coughing,and asked my dad ought disburse consideration apt every daytime with a cameapt to log the babe 's g, asthma and additional diseases.
used two: when the array to applicable
Background: When night fell, the size of the restaurant in the capital will be parked in front of exceedingly filthy with some mysterious automobile. late at night, they loaded the conveyances in the avenues of Beijing swill slowly forward, dripping all the access to the putrid smell of swill and lusty, so that passers-by shirking it. Even worse, nearly 5 million capital hotels, restaurants, restaurants are produced swill the pigs are transported to the suburbs.
Advocacy: dining in the restaurant, must be based on the number of Shiliang a la carte, not to create needless waste. because the remainder food will be swill brought pollution, causing mosquitoes flying, reeking environment. It is reported that regulate the concentration of food waste accumulation, transportation and elimination of municipal treatment committee will be one of the priorities this year. During the year, Beijing City will build 2 food waste management factories, food waste and the presentation of special vehicle, the may exceed some of the automotive engine exhaust pollution. According to survey, three tobacco smoke pollution index loosened by the burning of diesel pollution index than 10 times higher.
Advocacy: the perils of cigarettes above the human body afterward years of dissemination have a large degree of popularity, but smokers tended to boost in China. quitting is not effortless,toronto escort, smokers is probable to cause indoor air quality (IAQ) in the fall. cigarette contains a cloud of of cigarette smoke particles would be for lofty for 50 billion, and some cities have been polluted air, per milliliter of air involving dust molecules is not more than 100,000. in a poorly ventilated apartment conditions, the smoke is not cozy to scatter, so that air cleanliness concordance greatly dwindled. large mathematics of restaurants, and relatively closed environment. Therefore, smokers should study to refrain from smoking in such public locations, either salutary to your health, but too a responsible reach to others.
secondhand four: develop the notion of a light diet
Background: Industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust and smoke from restaurants, be regarded as air pollution caused by the three high concentrations of soot, emissions over the metropolis after the free time, a direct threat to the health of urban dwellers. experts deem that under high temperature smoke condensate has a strong carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.
Advocacy: disburse attention to our food civilization fried, fried, cooked, fried, and these usages can produce a lot of cooking fumes. fumes in the air invade human respiratory tract, thereby causing disease, medically known as soot syndrome. people who had this syndrome constantly appear loss of appetite, upset, absence of stamina, lethargy, labor,beijing massage, disability and other symptoms. fumes contain a carcinogen called benzopyrene, long-term breath of harmful substances that can trigger cancerous lung tissue. According to sarcoma specialists inspected that women have higher probability of lung cancer, even more than men, kitchen fumes can not run duty. We should develop a light diet eating habits, so that is the most direct way to reduce fumes.
habits Five: Prohibition of abuse of eating wild animals
Background: China snakes dine thousands of tons a year, and these snakes 13-27 million a year to eradicate rodents. indiscriminate eating snakes and frogs, rodents and pests cause rampant, and it had extensive applying of pesticides, which in corner environmental abuse and pollution caused by the further increase.
Advocacy: over-exploitation and habitat loss and other wild animals led to the current resources of the main reasons because endangered, some places of the bad habits of redundant eating of wild animals is to enhance over-exploitation of wildlife resources, and subserve the driving coerce back unlawful commerce in wildlife. If the consumer has a good sense of environmental protection, nay the expense of wild animals in the thousands of miles away, then, that there will be no illegal trading practices in the mart, they will indeed reduce until it disappears.
habits VI: Food waste is also classified
Background: The urban waste extensive deposits of renewable resources, environmental protection undertakings will be the new economic growth point. waste can cultivate the recycling rate can be as soon as feasible spam abatement, recycling, sound, accordingly saving the land, reducing the menace of pollution on human garbage.
advocacy: Food garbage including periodical products, such as packaging cans, aluminum foil, paper sack (such as milk cartons), paper tableware. Among them, the paper must 1st remove the plastic packaging cans, open, flatten ahead recycling; foil pack (Tetra Pak) 1st remove the fodder, crushed after retrieval; paper After the first rinsing dishes a little water recycling; iron vessel, iron products (such as food cans, paint cans, milk cans, tin, metal box, iron, etc.), metal products such as aluminum containers, aluminum products (such as drink cans, Aluminum Cone, aluminum border windows and gates, etc.) within the first empty vessel residue retrieved after bathing with water slightly.
seven habits: in induction
Background: Induction is not only smoke-free, odorless, no fire, no fuel and exhaust pollution, dyes, and, at all times you set up the temperature and time, to a decisive extent it will automatically power off, to use safety and environmental protection.
Advocacy: prefer to establish green kitchen cooker, induction cooker does not like gas for as , easy to drip, alternatively produce blaze, the incentive will not be an event. In counting, it has its own multi-security amounts, including the furnace power slope, power out, dry alarm, overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage protection, unfit use of automatic shutdown and so on. cooker more than the gas stove safety, even when the soup overflow, there was no gas to escape the hazard of extinction, using them peace of mind, and exertion. is for of these conveniences, induction gradually being clients. Of course, the device addition to boil water, fry, fried, barbecued, fried, steamed, boiled, and other elementary functions, such as porridge with soup, heat, heat milk and other personalized traits of the products also bring an end to ... quietly .
habits VIII: caution detergent
Background: It is, at present the consumer to remove the main method of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables is to drench with detergent. But experts found that the detergent on the marketAdvocacy: to minimize the use of detergent, the traditional pedestal surface can be used to remove the greasy dishes. If using detergent washing vegetables, fruit, water to reduce the detergent into 200m500 times (0.2% detergent concentration 0.5% is appropriate), soaking time of 5 minutes is appropriate, can aid wash vegetables, detergent, pesticide residues on fruits and other substances, soggy repeatedly with the flow of water needed to wash dry

experts and scholars attended the year conference.

April 1, 2010, the National People's Congress on Amending the Customs Protection of Property Rights
2 days should be approximately the same President *** Obama on the call. *** that the United States are the world have an important influence. China has always from a strategic elevation and long-term perspective of Sino-US relations and is willing to combine the U.S. side to beyond implement the consensus reached by either sides, follow the three mutual communiques and the strengthen dialogue and cooperation in various fields, vigorous cooperation for the development of a comprehensive China-US relations and make unremitting efforts.
6 days, party-depth learn of the technological conception of development activity synopsis of the General Assembly was held in the morn. *** accented the need to cling apt the Party's governance skill and advanced ecology as the cardinal line to residence the inspire and impede the scientific development concept focused above famous issues, to the study and train the scientific concept of evolution activities and telling practices of successful experiences applied to the normal work to often amend scientific level of celebration building, to promote the scientific development concept and provide a mighty assure.
6, the br> 7, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Asia-Pacific held in Social Sciences Academic Press, 2010, context and no with the quick economic growth and improvement. Blue Book noted that the face of China's heave as an international mandate of some huge countries with vested interests, to enhance awareness of obstruction in China. This awareness and prevention of domestic partisan interests of the dispute, fusion of the competing domestic interest groups, along stirring up nationalist emotion objectively additional the risk of China's security, an increasingly complex security environment around China, China tin no take this decision to determine a single answer of differ types of security risks.
8 Japanese stock index futures launch ceremony in Shanghai, the CPC Central Committee, the Shanghai Party Secretary Yu and the China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin jointly launched a stock index futures. CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Wang Qishan sent a information. stock index futures adult international monetary derivative productions, liquidity, transparency, with cost finding, risk hedging, and other important features to stabilize the mart. In the past 30 annuals of development history, has usualstood the test of fiscal crises, without a major systemic risk. Currently,discern the volunteers of the car,toronto escort, it has transform the world's largest futures trading volume.
8 May, China's first domestic high-speed maglev vehicles, favor delivery vehicles to fulfill in Chengdu. The variety of car Central Air Industrial Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group ) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as flying) the manufacture, marking the company already has made maglev vehicle design, traffic integration and fabrication capabilities. high-speed maglev exercise can approach 500 kilometers per hour, the body has similar properties to the aircraft .2008 In July, Chengdu and Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co., Ltd. signed a contract: the CAC take 2 prototype high-speed maglev project (a side car, an in the car) research mission. from contract to allocation vehicles, which lasted 20 months.
11 days, after 3 days of high-level dialogue and debate, the Boao Forum as Asia Annual Conference 2010, to complete entire the built-in programme, the evening ended in Boao, Hainan. The daily meeting theme of recovery: the pragmatic choice of sustainable development in Asia. from 32 countries and districts, extra than 2,000 politicians, affair representatives,toronto escorts, experts and savants attended the annual appointment.
12 days in Washington meeting with President *** Obama on bilateral relations and common major international and local interest and exchanged views and reached important consensus. *** to the afterward stage of the development of Sino-US relations important propositions put along 5. First, always adhere to the Sino-US relations in the right instruction, and take practical deeds to steadily build a common response to challenges of partnership. The two sides ought firmly clutch the right direction of bilateral relations. The second is to esteem each other's core interests and major concerns. This is to assure the healthy and settled development of Sino-US relations. Taiwan and Tibet publish concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, involving China's core interests. wish the U.S. honor its commitments, seriously address these issues, so as not to interfere with longer-US relations. Third, to nourish high-level exchanges and all levels. The two countries preserve close contact with heads of state. United States ought work closely full cooperation and jointly promote the second round of China-US strategic economic dialogue with assured results, the early establishment of Sino-US cultural exchanges machinery. Fourth, deepen pragmatic cooperation. China is willing to deepen the U.S. economic, trade, counter-terrorism, energy, environment, law enforcement and other fields cooperation and actively develop civil aviation, high-speed rail, infrastructure and other new areas of cooperation. China expects the United States by the Shanghai Expo a superb show, welcome more Americans to China to visit the Shanghai World Expo. Fifth, strengthen cooperation in major international and local peppery issues and global issues of communication and coordination. The two sides ought persist to strengthen macroeconomic plan coordination and the Group of 20 within the framework of cooperation to promote world economic recovery. China is also ready to the United States on weather change, global nuclear safety Security Council reform and the Iranian nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula nuclear publish, stability issues in South Asia to strengthen communication and coordination to jointly safeguard and promote world peace, stability and boom.
12 days in Washington meeting with President *** Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio, to Sino-Japanese relations and additional issues of common care frankly interchange outlooks in depth.
13 days, the nuclear security summit held in Washington, President *** attended the meeting and delivered an momentous speech. *** At the meeting, entitled and tranquility. to strengthen nuclear security serves the common interests of all countries, we need to work attach. *** to improve nuclear safety in claim 5. First, medal national commitments and responsibilities. Second, consolidate existing nuclear security structure of worldwide statute. Third, strengthen international cooperation in nuclear safety. Fourth, aid developing countries improve nuclear safety. Fifth, deal properly the nuclear safety and peaceful use of nuclear stamina narrations.
13 days, the first jungle science Forum mm forests respond to natural disasters International Symposium held in Beijing.
14 日 7 时 49 minutes, Yushu County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred, the local folk and a serious detriment of life and property. After the earthquake, CPC Central Committee and State Council attached excellent magnitude. is a visit overseas, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman ***, Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao made important directions were to require every effort to earthquake relief work, do anything feasible to emancipate the affected people in the meantime to strengthen the earthquake monitoring and prophecy, the implementation of preventive fathom aftershocks, proper arrangements for the affected people's life, shield social stability and misadventure.
15 days, the 107th Chinese Export Commodities Fair opened in Guangzhou. this A total of 23,359 kin inside and appearance the Canton Fair exhibitors, exhibitors and exhibition scale of the scale were a record high.
21, 2010 While the international theme, that the Chinese Government adheres to the scientific development concept, Dali introduced the concept of Green New Deal, to achieve green development, security, development, sustainable development and harmonious development of man and nature, the strong resolve.
22 May, Ministry of Land Resources Liaoning Provincial People's Government, China Geological Survey, Geological Society of China to .
24 days, the morning of National Financial Information Building Business District in Beijing Lize financial basis. Politburo membership, Beijing Party Secretary Liu Qi, member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, secretary of the Central Propaganda Department as a Building, Liu Yunshan foundation. According to reports, mansion above completion, will become the Xinhua 08 financial information platform of information accumulation centers, data centers and R & D center. the financial information platform neutral research and development of Xinhua News Agency 08 is an integrated financial information service system, is a real-time information, and the prices quotes, historical file, research tools, thinking models and trading functions in one of the working platform. Prior to the financial information platform for financial information of China Shanghai Head Office Building mm in May last year in the gist area of ​​Shanghai Pudong Lujiazui financial foundation.
24 days Hong Kong Red Cross, said by the heroes in the Yushu Huang Furong family of Hong Kong commissioned by volunteers, has set up a br> 26 days, the blessing of 250 kilometers per hour (state) House, (the door) the formal opening of the railway operator, the two transit rail detour from the native fleeing time necessary for 11 hours to the current 1.5 hours. This is the temperature (state) welfare (state) of Fujian after the railroad opened the second high-speed railway. Fuxia length of 274.9 km high-speed railway, with a total investment of 15.259 billion yuan, which is double the national level I electrified railway lines, north of Fuzhou, the Fuqing, Putian, Quanzhou , Jinjiang, south of Xiamen.
26 日 9 am, the Mainland of China's first cross-harbor tunnels, aggregate width of 8.695 km of the tunnel opened to vehicle Xiang'an, marking the independence of tunnel design and construction of their own ability to leap into the world advanced. Xiang'an from Xiamen to the area, steer through the tunnel in just 9 minutes Xiang'an time, and need 90 minutes of the previous bypass. Xiang'an tunnel on September 6, 2005 to open construction, with a total investment budget 3.197 billion yuan, is our own design, to construction of the first tunnel in the Mainland.
28 May, President *** with the Great Hall of the afternoon held talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. two heads of state in the present international location, the development of Sino-French relations, China-EU relations in-depth exchange of views and reached many important consensus.
28 evening, the Sixth China International Cartoon and Animation Festival in Hangzhou, Zhejiang opening. CPPCC Vice Chairman Wang Zhizhen attended the opening ceremony. China International Cartoon and Animation Festival is the only national professional exhibition of vigor. this animation festival April 28 to May 3, held in Hangzhou Xiaoshan Leisure Expo Garden in order to , forums, memorabilia, activities, a total of more than 40 projects.
30 night, showing the development of new look, a mixture of the marrow of globe civilization. noteworthy World Expo 2010 Shanghai World Expo in Shanghai Cultural Centre prologue was held, the State *** President attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the Shanghai World Expo. Shanghai World Expo ambition be held emulating the Beijing Olympic Games in China after variant international event, namely the 1st time held up for class in formative countries, the World Expo. the Expo theme City, Better Life