Thursday, April 28, 2011

the green ring ambition commemorate the sixth annual of the establishment

Association of Development
2002mm2003 year:
1,2002 on March 15, Central University for Nationalities Green Association was founded;
2,2002 Luxiang in March,shanghai escort, held in major environmental campaigns;
on April 3,2002 environmental specialists Qing-Fu Zeng prominent lectures; environmental arts and crafts exhibition;
4,2002 In April, the implementation of used batteries in a student apartment recycling;
5,2002 In April, the Association Wuhan University attended and joined the University Environmental Forum Environment Federation;
6,2002 on April 22, Japanese January 1, Green entered the ring members to participate in the Dabie Mountains camping; green ring members Jiangxi Wuyuan photography exhibition;
10,2004 Association in January as head of Hubei Province held in Beijing attended by representatives of the first student environmental training camp; Exhibition of rare butterfly world; to participate in organized by the China University of Geosciences Lake waste clean-up activities;
11,2004 on March 12, the association members to participate in Arbor Day Forest Park,
12,2004 in March with the Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University of Technology `Green Society Green bid for the Associated Press co-sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature in 2004 Wetland Ambassador Action, and a absolute score of the country's second, the first agreeable Hubei results got in 2004 Wetland Ambassador Action Center of Hubei right to host;
13,2004 on April 22,shanghai massage, Mr. Liang Congjie President of Friends of the lecture;
15,2004 in April Hongshan Square on large-scale publicity activities;
17,2004 in the summer, the green part of the Green Association and the China Agricultural University, Wuhan Science and Technology sponsored by the Associated Press the green Yellowstone, for the ten-day field trips campaign victorious return in early August.
2004mm2005 Year:
18,2005 organized ashore March 12 faculty members to the families of district grass, green context
19 , June 5, 2005 in 1, two restaurants, Huazhong Agricultural University, among the Federation and coupler promotional activities
20,2005 Environment Day on November 22 a member of the Green ring of the obligation to clean up South Lake organizations activities; < br> 21,2005 on December 5, the purpose for the event. activities through pre-publicity, the late publicity, public and vocational justices chose a series of culling programs, and afterward elected the maximum fashionable medal of a, human environment class first, second and third three, the Environmental Protection class of first, second and third three of a total of seven awards prizes to the winners, merely where tournament with Jieyou prizes.
22,2006 Arbor Day on March 12 association members to the school 11 instructing building turf open space, green school environment;
23,2006 on June 5 World Environment Day at the Optical Valley Plaza Green campaign.
2005mm2006 Year:
24,2006 in October 21 in South Lake schools the obligation to neat up waste activities.
25,2006 on November 19 took part in the go environment and the road begging for large-scale activities, Dr..
26,2006 m19 on December 16th day and 7 universities and large fiscal Environmental Association conducted a fruit for the activities of greeting cards.
27,2007 in April, environmental education project started. from April first to the public on a normal foundation to carry out a great school to a sophomore environmental education classes from a youth age to realize the magnitude of environmental protection, starting from the side from the mini things.
28,2007 In May, Shi Cheng, Chen Zhiqiang Representatives went to Shanghai to participate in the 2007 Wetland Ambassador Action exercising; < br> 29,2007 In June, the a crowd of field experience, namely a likely success in environmental conservation activities, and won the National Award of Excellence;
30,2007 in July, Huang Qiao as a volunteer on behalf of Association of the General Assembly to participate in the Fourth China Forum on Student environmental organizations CEF (Wuhan)
31,2007 In early August, Wen-Juan Chen on behalf of Association of Environmental Action Network in Nanjing to participate in summer activities pyrochlore mm the end of September, in the school to carry out protection activities in South Lake, South Lake Organization member rescue garbage, clean the campus psoriasis.
33,shenzhen massage,2007 in October, held educate for the exhibition, activities directly influence the nearly 2 thousand students, cater insight into the Hoh Xil calamity, internal and outer activities are the major medium care.
34,2007 in October, invited the Forum
36,2007 in October 30m11 2 May, Huang Qiao behalf of the Association of Chinese environmental NGOs to participate in the anniversary Sustainable Development (NGO Annual Meeting)
37,2007 in November, Wuhan four schools (Nationality University, Wuhan University, Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology) promote development of the wetland first leg of the late envoy.
38,2007 in November, held a .
39,2007 m8 on December 5 May, Mok Heng, Huang Xiaoqiu behalf of the Association to participate in , December 2007, the second nine universities in Wuhan One globe, One dream green , Wing Primary School, to beyond strengthen environmental protection advocacy.
43,2008 on March 15, the green ring will commemorate the sixth commemoration of the establishment, in a friendly badminton activities carried out within the Association;
44,2008 in April, green room battery recycling activities on campus;
45,2008 m30 on April 28 days, Huang Qiao, Chen Yu, Fang Yung behalf of the Association to participate in the School of Surveying and Mapping Wuhan University started training in 2008 Wetland Ambassador Action;
46,2008 5 years month, the association of 30 representatives to the Wuhan City Park to participate in the liberation of and as one of the country's 35 teams to carry out South Lake in Wuhan to ; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Botanical Garden, large-scale publicity activities;
49,2008 m28 on July 5, 2008 Wetland Ambassador Action began, nigh the Guanshan Dutch manner park, off Hill region, behaved a series of predicate City and other promotional activities, events made great success, the public and the organizers naturally Wuhan, Wuhan City, the major media coverage. Finally, activities obtained third country, and participated in CCTV10 Day m24 day, went to the Blue Lifang Representatives Yilin district of Yichang in Hubei big brother Ridge Forest College Green Camp
51,2008 second on July 21m24 day, Li Ran Chan as the representative at their own consumption, on behalf of Association of the first to go to Changsha Student Environmental Organization-fourth of China Cooperation Forum CEF (Changsha)
52,2008 m30 on July 27 at Blue Lifang, Wei Ji Representatives went to Zhongshan University in Guangzhou for the fourth teens environmental interchange cross the Taiwan Strait in early August
53,2008, WU Yi went to super on behalf of Association to participate in the Dabie Mountains in Anhui Province College Green Camp
54,2008 sixth in early August, Ni Dongchun Representatives to Nanjing to partake in environmental behavior pyrochlore Summer visits to the network Qinhuai boat residents
2008mm2009 mm year:
55,2008 In September, South Lake in the school carry out protection activities, always members of the Society to salvage South Lake garbage, clean the campus psoriasis.
55,2008 years October 3, the organization went to members of the Association of Field Quality Development Training Jiufengshan
56,2008 In October, the project Five schools in Wuhan (Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan University, Wuhan University, Huazhong Agricultural University, China University of Geosciences) Wetland Ambassador Action dissemination show late in the third leg of
58,2008 October, environmental education programs to expand the basic Luxiang , Wing basic school to the community at large, bridge school, to further strengthen the environmental advocacy;
59,2008 In November, the assistance have to enlist in the ranks of environmental education, campus media, the ad hoc special reports;
61,2008 In early December, the coalition of 11 representatives to the waterfront park, Hankou, Wuhan, and Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central China Normal University,Finally looked amenable apt a cheerful tree-planting period, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University, Hubei University, Hubei University and additional academies and universities from 10 representatives of environmental teams, carried out jointly along the World Wide Fund because Nature (wwf), China Youth Climate Action Network (cycan) jointly systematized the 20 Universities premier ; alike dispute of activities and studying experiences of additional university projects, the project amended farm procedure;
63,2009 In March, environmental education programs to expand the basic Zhuodao Quan, Wing School, street primary school population, and further strengthen environmental education and publicity;
64,2009 on March 14,beijing escort, the association of 64 representatives to participate in the CAS Wuhan Botanical Garden, March 15, the Association will celebrate the seventh anniversary of the establishment, Central University for Nationalities in front of the museum to celebrate the garden party;
66,2009 m26 on March 24 days, the university and carry out the mm the phone, take the initiative to near the need to use the appliances, lights, work outdoor.
67,2009 on April 11, the beginning etiquette of the eighth month corporate mores Performance & Party on April 11
68,2009 Japan, Fang Yung, Li Ran Chan, Wei Yun, Jie Lan Ting Society and other representatives of the four students to participate in Huazhong Agricultural University, will celebrate the ninth anniversary of Green Association
69,2009 on April 19, members of the sometime premier of the second exercise Huang Qiao, Chen Zhiqiang, a former Minister of activity freshman, sophomore members to do into nap, .
72,2009 6m8 in May, the Province, the second prototype college student organization, colossal repercussions.
74,2009 on May 11, the Green, Central Council general training & seminars
75,2009 on May 17, 2009 green ring will be on general referendum
76,2009 May 21, repeatedly the whole recovery income donated 1,000 yuan to the China Women Development Foundation charity project , the Second Wuhan University finalists, green ring will be a successful bid for 3 continuous years.
79,2009 on June 20, the United Wuhan Green enterprise, logistics patronize at the school, staff living quarters in the school, student settlement area to install the power cell recycling binaries, a total of 16.
80,2009 July 5 m8 on May 2, 2009 Wetland Ambassador Action
81,2009 m7 on 5 July 28, the green ring will be the first summer train field inspection activities

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