Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do no trip

Zhe father Thursday and also a small business, estimated at 26 month old son birthday is not back in time, so I must take Saturday and Sunday to companion a small Zhe Feng Wan quite much adore the two days. < br> Saturday, the climate agreeable over there early in the morning went to the lair opening of the fashionable China Science and Technology Museum,ambition noambitiont will occur sea, the current salon of course is agreeable and what are the great and small Zhe particularly amused in Science and Technology Museum lobby ceiling, Because it has N changes can heave more than the pearly pellet babies. We came back not too many people, but the technology did not take long later the babies, the more people who park up,shanghai massage, saw up saw, a lot of the parents than by children. small Zhe on here Special novelty and all that like to play every entity must fill. from 9 in the morning to one o'clock and more into play,shanghai massage, merely also refused to bring an end to ... for lunch, so he agreed he would take him visiting here afterward time, small Zhe This fond memories from that bring an end to ... of.
afternoon at the North Star side of the KFC for lunch, Thursday to tell small Zhe dad aboard a commerce trip, hearing to grievances in small-Zhe, said: Do not tumble, I consider entire the afflict your heart! To prop him apt the small Zhe it namely close to the elated dad, for terror of flying hh
father Sunday morning and then Zhe mortar and small menagerie, lunch approximating the afternoon, sudden strong wind, small Zhe always said namely the appoint leaves his face, and then two human start at the zoo on the road, tread on to the ground by the air from the leaves to be regarded for the a punishment. every step on a leaf, a small Zhe on the formatting of music, so 2 folk tin activity the whole day at the zoo!
kindergarten educator final weekend, the children decorated two actions, Unity on Monday to pay. one is her mother and father to complete a hand,guangzhou massage, the additional one is the fruit of the fall collection to pay up. for Trinidad Zoo persimmon tree, immediately is the time ripe persimmon, base in one small Zhe style yellow persimmon tree after hanging on to the father said: said: in advance of a mini over Zhe-year-old's birthday, so on Sunday night, approximately a small Zhe's uncle, cheerful on the outdoor a lot of corruption, was originally scheduled a birthday bread, but bun is ample we are all rice brandy full before sent over, everyone's abdomen is no location to setup,guangzhou escort, and then consult the next day to eat and small Zhe, son touched his circular abdomen to eat readily agreed, so on our final night in a painful and happy to share a quick son's birthday cake!

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