Wednesday, April 27, 2011

eminent filtration efficiency pollution a web rate of a unattached filter

Plaza of new air purifier is immediately Amway clean living environment for existing pet dander, bacteria, dust, pollen, cooking odors and other air pollutants and the development of home technology products. More than 100 of which condenses the wisdom of science and technology personnel , after 70,005 more than 1 thousand hours (8 years) well-developed, universal patent or know-how procured over 66, yet also a accumulation of super-efficiency filter net, speed clean, quiet and energy-saving, superior performance of the 4 Intelligent Systems, you at home, granting you to take a deep breath to enjoy the net.
fresh clean air by the beginning of life
dirty dress can be cleaned;
wrong food, and tin be discarded;
whether air contamination,
We Can not breathe?
air pollution is not optimistic
present, the earth air pollution namely not optimistic. air generally surpassed the concentration of suspended particles, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide pollution remains high, vehicle exhaust Environmental Protection in China persisted to ascend hh published the How do we assure the health and clean living?
remain indoors, near the door skylight, we can breathe you amusement?
Indoor Air invisible invisible
According to statistics, about 70% lifetime of the time spent indoors, inhaling air at 12 cubic meters per capita, and metropolis residents about 70% -90% per day in the time spent in assorted indoor environments. Therefore, the air quality is required to human health.
we watch see the flat surface, shiny furniture, transparent cup hh can not know if the wash indoor air. In truth, every chamber space, could conceal the hidden air pollution. The World Health Organization (WHO) report, approximately half of the human in the indoor air pollution. Dalian An Liyi new air cleaner @ likewise your emotion ecology! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping install
3 types of indoor air pollutants
① biological But the spread of pollutants
wide scope of small, fast, easy to cause sneezing, eye irritation, cough, asthma and other allergic responses.
bacteria, viruses
of the large number and wide to spread very fast, easily cause many diseases.
fungal spores
lightly in watery warm areas spread in the air, breeding, long-term exposure easily lead to allergies, asthma.
dust, dust mites cause respiratory embarrassment
, it is breeding ground for dust mites and fungi. dust mites are highly small insects, constantly grow in mattresses, bed sheets and layout of furniture or suspended in the air, increasing the incidence of asthma.
outside pollen as well as vases
Flowers are produced in the pollen, allergy can cause respiratory tract after inhalation, eye and skin apparently does not.
pet and people hair, dander
very small, easy to enter the human respiratory system, and as dust mites and fungi provide gainful conditions for breeding.

odor from pets, cooking, waste and human and so on. smell repugnant, of home life and neighborhoods.
③ chemical pollutants
from cigarettes, renovation, cleaning supplies and furniture, lengthened exposure to stimulate the rind, nervous and respiratory tract,2008 年 5.12 behind the earthquake, bringing health hazards.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the International Agency for Research on Cancer decided to be human Class A carcinogen, involving carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other noxious materials, and hundreds of carcinogens, lung damage is still in the developmental stages of children is particularly serious.

formaldehyde plywood furniture from the everyday, pressing embark , urea formaldehyde resin-ups and layer, are classified as dangerous carcinogens. high levels of formaldehyde can irritate the eyes, neb and respiratory system will guide to severe asthma.
including benzene, toluene, xylene, etc., in which some of the compounds identified by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen. effectively organic solvents from a variety of materials, such as paint, coatings additives and wallpaper, blankets, synthetic fiber and so on. Long-term exposure to chronic poisoning, nervous breakdown and blood symptoms. severe aplastic anemia can occur even leukemia, died.

from the taint radon gas, rocks and granite. Radon gas is colorless, odorless, laborious to detect, radon decay products more will amass in the lungs, is the second source of the ailment caused by lung cancer, which ranks second only to smoking Dalian An Liyi @ new air purifier is also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, which environment free delivery installation
need an air purifier
just elaboration or upkeep of homes
the retired, babies, home
asthma, allergic rhinitis and pollen allergies
pet home staff accommodation
relatively closed or subject to passive smoking in the home
are fertile women, newborns home
would like high quality of life of people affected by the residence.
air purifiers, air purification
simple and effective clean indoor air, thoroughly clean with regular airing is essential, but the effect is not enough. Air Purifier mm to clean the air becomes a easy and effective! It can quickly remove the indoor air of solid and gaseous pollutants, such as tiny dust, cigarette smoke, Output short to clean air! Dalian An Liyi @ new air purifier is also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping install

superior performance advantages over the four filter net pollution is not longer valid < br> Yat new set of triple-filter air purifiers can effectively filter the net more than 80 air pollutants.
first re-mm pre-filter air purifying
larger motes such as dust, cilia additional.
The second high-efficiency particulate filter
mmHEPA can effectively suspended in the air purifying bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, pollen, asbestos, radon decay products and other pollutants more than 70
HEPA filter
High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor acronym, averaging high efficiency air filters. by the net rate of single-filter, HEPA filter to filter the air standards to small particles of 0.3 microns, filter net rate of 99.97% was widely used in claiming air quality hospitals, laboratories and workshops and other places of accuracy instruments.
quite large place of ​​outstanding
HEPA filter efficiency of high efficiency particulate filter of the filter surface area is proportional to its net performance. Yat new air HEPA purifier with high efficiency particulate filter multilayer folding, folded after the commencement of area percentage additional by about 14.5 times, net performance is superior filter.
excellent filtration efficiency pollution a net rate of a single filter, Yat new HEPA air purifier with high efficiency particulate filter is much higher than the net effect of filter HEPA filter! it can filter down to 0.009 microns, highly penetrating airborne particles, filtration rate was as high as 99.99%! HEPA high efficiency particulate filters can filter pollutants
net performance of air pollutants - Diameter - 5 run-time speed high-efficiency particulate filter HEPA filter net performance
dust mite antigen - 18.71 microns ------ 100%
influenza virus -0.098 microns ------- 99.99%
coronavirus (SARS )----- 0.11 micron ------ - 99.99%
L. pneumophila Legionella ---- -------- 100%
0.52 micron Streptococcus pneumoniae -0.707 microns ------- 100%
pollen debris -8.66 micron -------- 100% new air purifier, Dalian An Liyi @ also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping install
third tier mm scent filter
high weight, large area of ​​activated carbon adsorption composition, the net effective filtering tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, dioxin and ozone odor and harmful chemical pollutants in the air! which help to filter special net with 2 catalyst for formaldehyde,toronto escorts, to ensure better filter net effect of formaldehyde.
structure unique and extremely effective in absorbing odor filter
smell from the coconut shell activated carbon made by the special management, and was pressed into cylindrical in fashion, without presupposition to the premise of air propagation, so that activated carbon that smell and touch as many chemical pollutants, addition the success of new air purifier Yat essence of the adsorption capability of an area
the net effect of filtering the activated carbon odor filter has a large adsorption area, superior aptitude to filter the net . According to research, the heaviness of 1 gram of activated carbon adsorption area of ​​up to 500-1500 square meters broad, and Yat the smell of new air purifier with activated carbon filter weighs 1900 grams, the adsorption area of ​​about 160 million square meters, the equivalent of 224 football fields, wonderful purifiers odor and noxious chemical contaminants.
Yat new and effective air purifier filter air pollutants
net tobacco dust, cat allergen cockroach allergens in dust allergen dog allergens Silkworm mite antigen latex leaves debris Bacillus bacteria Bordetella pertussis parrot
wand diphtheria Feilangxisi chlamydia bacteria Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae
L. pneumophila bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis green infantry pus bacillus bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae grape skin fungal spores of Beauveria fungus Cladosporium fungi
Acremonium Ploughshares tenuis Aspergillus fungus Ustilago Exophiala corn fungus spore plasma membrane pilus folder fungi fungus Paecilomyces Penicillium
cassette lung cinerea fungus dark red yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Escherichia coli bacteriophage virus coronavirus adenovirus hantavirus
Coxsackie virus influenza A virus measles virus mumps virus Parvovirus reovirus rhinovirus respiratory syncytial virus rubella virus
varicella virus - herpes zoster virus smallpox spores cedar pollen Arizona Arizona cypress pine birch and cedar cypress Taxodium abandon dandelion clover ragweed ragweed ragweed
autumn elm false unicorn hastily Hazelnut Hill Walnut Italian cypress tree, Japanese cedar Liquidambar (gum) mugwort mulberry orchard grass
annoy tree structure short ragweed ragweed pollen fine crumbs AC fine dust of asbestos minerals ragweed chemical formaldehyde, radon decay products
dioxins dibenzofurans new ozone air purifier
Yat net of air pollutants can be filtered particle diameter
air pollutants - particle diameter
allergens - almost 2.5-19 microns
bacteria - about 0.2-1.1 micron
fungal spores - about 1.4-18 microns
virus - about 0.3 microns
pollen - about 6-52 microns Dalian An Liyi new air cleaner @ also your feeling nature! Shenyang Free Shipping in Dalian, Anshan speed clean install and enjoy fresh

Yat new air purifier fresh air, a large number of high-speed output, build up the promotion of air quality
confirmed that Yi has a new air purifier clean air high volume (CADR), the output per minute up to about 7.1 cubic meters of clean air. The Ad Hoc was 36 square meters of indoor air, quick processing odors, smoke and other air pollutants.
up air afford + lofty up the motor
unique outlet chart, placed in the walls, and corners in tight spaces or to its purified performance; efficient air motor petitions, but also help the formation of large-scale air circulation, expedite the improvement of indoor air quality.
speed 1 ---- 1.4 m3 / min 50 CFM
speed 2 ---- 2.8 m3 / min 100 CFM
speed 3 ---- 4.2 cubic meters / minute velocity 150 CFM
4 ---- 5.7 cubic meters / minute speed 200 CFM
5 ---- 7.1 cubic m / min 250 CFM
quiet energy-saving ease of use
Yat new air purifier, quiet operation, energy saving, ease of use to you and your family without the burden.

very silence sprinting operation to a stall speed , the ruckus merely 28 dB, such as energy saving

murmurs to a stall speed operation, the annual power consumption of only 35 degrees, electricity is only 22 yuan, and its superior energy performance in U.S. EPA issued the ENERGY STAR (Energy Star) Energy certification standards.
* Calculation of power consumption and electricity to a stall speed, operating 24 hours 1 daytime, 1 case in 365 days operation; cost with reference to local residents electricity criterion mm 0.61 yuan / kWh.
Amway air purifier has a five-speed speed correction, also includes automatic detection of air quality, wind speed automatic operation corresponding to filter pollutants.
hint light dust particles / m Start running the sound power level operation (dB SPL) electricity: yuan / day
green 0-501 file 4W 28 0.06
yellow 50-1002 file 9W 40 0.13
yellow 100 - 1503 18W 49 0.26
file ruddy 150-2004 stalls 34W 56 0.50
red light more than 2005 stalls 59W 61 0.86
suburbs nigh nightly
whispers about 20 dB 25 dB
cricket sounds about 40 decibels quieter bureau

quiet about 50 dB 70 dB inside the automobile about a new air purifier, Dalian An Liyi @ also your feeling nature! Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian Free Shipping easy to use smart systems to install

Yat new special intelligent system air purifier,
automatically adjusted based on air quality
machine running speed,
allows you to enjoy convenient user-friendly operation. < br>
air quality to keep up with particle sensors, which automatically detects the capabilities that the indoor air quality at a glance. automatic mode is activated, the machine operation will be based on particle velocity sensor automatically switches the sensor data. keep control of indoor air quality and filter effects, adjust speed, and extension of air quality.
heart set via the control panel or remote control set-time, and provide from 30 minutes to 12 hours a variety of adoptions. settings light decreases with the use of time, after the automatic shut down, will help dwindle electricity waste.
control speed freely ------
filter filter life monitor intelligent monitor exhibits real time status of the filter is dirty smart caution you clean or replace the filters, and forever maintain good indoor air.
------ Select manual mode speed from 1 to 5 files.
auto mode ------ monitoring sensors based on Particle to automatically modify the speed of air quality in the shortest feasible period improve indoor air quality.
------ ultra-high speed mode to run 30 minutes, 5-speed wind, rapid clean indoor air!
easy remote control --- --- remote control feature, in anyone edge of the room can be freely regulated, efficient and handy.

AHAM certification authority, quality certainty certification
AHAM Appliance Manufacturers Association of the United States stands with its clean air volume (CADR) appraisal standards in 1988 at the American National Standards Institute ANSI (American National Standards Institute) accustom for small air purifier equipment certification standards, has become the maximum major air purifier performance test arrows. obey with AHAM standards products must pass third-party laboratory testing, subject to annual re-examination ahead the fuselage and the packaging name AHAM certification mark for clients nail.
as a non-profit neutral union, AHAM widely available United States manufacturers and consumer recognition. that it is the U.S. sales of household electrical appliances for testing, is also a standard creation technology to preserve product quality. AHAM standards are developed by including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Unites States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA), U.S. Department of Energy (US Department of Energy, US DOE), including recognition of a number of important institutions.
Energy Star certified air purifier
Yat encounter new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star (Energy Star) certification standards.
Energy Star is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1992 attach with U.S. Department of Energy, the mutual together contractors, retailers and other manufacturers to make 1000 energy efficiency standards, is committed to creating energy efficient, high-efficiency products, to attain cutback of carbon dioxide emissions and improve environmental quality and the final goal.
from July 2004 along, Energy Star rating for air purification, loyal with its certification standards must be higher than mercantile power air purifier at least low average power Guarantee 35%. this embodiment of the new air purifier Yat is a high performance, low power consumption of environmentally friendly products
Tsinghua University, the built environment performance testing
Test Center Test Center of Tsinghua University relies ashore the built surroundings at Tsinghua University Architecture College, has a large digit of perfected laboratory equipment, follow the strict quality management system. The center of China Metrology Accreditation (CMA) and the China National Accreditation Board as Conformity Assessment (CNAS) in recognition of its air monitoring, appraisal has the compel of statute. According to Environmental Monitoring Center of Tsinghua University Plaza building a new air detergent,shanghai massage, rendition testing, has concluded that:
Yat new air purifier on the amounted solid and gaseous pollutants have reached the level of purification efficiency of the the highest level of A-level. Among them, the purification efficiency of solid pollutants is 9.10 m3 / hW, is the A class performance standard value 2.00 m3 / hW 4.5 times. This shows that the only air purifier Yat new cheap consumption energy can generate large measures of clean air, fully certified Yat new energy-saving air purifier performance.
Yat new air purifier indoor air of prevalent pollutants measured within 2 hours of the removal rate of up to 90% Yat new air purifier that a variety of common indoor air pollutant removal are excellent.
Yat new representative indoor air purifiers on the purification efficiency of pollutants (Environmental Monitoring Center of Architecture, Tsinghua results Abstract)
of Formaldehyde
time (minutes) 0 ----- 10-30-60-120-360
removal rate (%) 0 ----- 53.99----- 72.49 ----- 83.52 ------ 90.23 ------ 94.74
results show namely the new wind purifier Plaza at 120 minutes extra than the removal rate of formaldehyde 90%, indicating namely the current Plaza Air Purifier can mainly refine the formaldehyde, to prevent its scatter in the climate.
purify aggregate number of bacteria
time (minutes) 0 ---- 15-30 ------- 60 ------ - 90
removal rate (%) 0 ----- 67.18 ---- 90.62 --- 97.66 ---- 99.06
results show that the new air purifier Yat 90 minutes of bacterial The removal rate of 99.06%, indicating that the new Plaza has a good air purifier purifying bacteria effect, prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and infection in the air.
purification of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC)
time (minutes ) 0 ---- 10 ------- 20 ------- 30 ------ 40 ----- 50 ------- 60 ------ -120
removal rate (%) 0 ---- 71.83 --- 83.58 --- 88.99 - 95.9 --- 97.76 --- 98.82 --- 99.74
results show that the new air purification Yat device TVOC in 120 minutes when the removal rate of 99.74%, indicating Yat new air purifier is very efficacious purification TVOC, so that more fresh air.
mm cigarette cloud purification of solid pollutants
time (min) 0 --- 4 ------ 8-12 ------- 16 ------- 18 ------- 20 ------- 40 ----- --- 60
removal rate (%) 0 --- 47.3 --- 82.22 ----- 94.8 99.1 ---- ---- ---- 98.42 99.49 --- 99.98 --- -99.99
results show that the new air purifier Yat in the 18th minute removal of solid pollutants up to 99%, 60 minutes as high as 99.99%. in entire test pollutants, Yat new air purifier removal of solid contaminants on the best.
Jiang Qinqin pleasure endorsement
2010, the enterprise invited the prominent film star Jiang Qinqin Ambassadors as home technology products. Jiang Qinqin the happy life of its experience, Amway prototype interpretation of a series of high-tech home technology, user-friendly products, the quality of passing the pursuit of healthy living.
Jiang Qinqin, Wenwan Shu Ya, who was on screen superb deeding starred in more than videos and TV, renowned endorsement

Jiang Qinqin happy crowd and the manufacture loved and approved.
recent years, Jiang Qinqin beauty from the award-winning screen become into intimate wife, good mom, from the peak into the reason of a merry kin, multiple life roles, let her enjoy it, must cope. Now, she exudes a natural mature, subtle and fashionable traditional and ongoing beauty of modern Chinese women.
selfless love, and everyone from small family, the family brought to Jiang Qinqin emotion and sublimation, made her more love of life and care for the community. In recent years, she was an athletic part in public welfare enterprises, to his eagerness and love, is passed to the more more people need help and concern. In the face of a overflow of public recognition, Jiang Qinqin some warm insight: It is a warm habitat in idea. !
Yat new air purifier needs normal cleaning and upkeep, to invest the best performance

filter maintenance on the control panel when the detector pre-filter indicator light turns red, and continue to flash, the need to pre-filter removed from the body clean. the general clean-up dust with a vacuum cleaner, very dirty, wash with warm water, dry thoroughly and then into the fuselage. according to the same method of cleaning particulate filter sensors net.
* dirt fewer time: about 12 months clean 1.
* dirt more time: about 2 months clean 1.
(a long time regardless of operating speed, pre-filter must be at least cleaned once a year)
replacement HEPA high efficiency particulate filter and odor filter
HEPA high efficiency particulate filter and odor filter as the air quality and the life of a long run, the wind speed may be. HEPA high efficiency particulate filter life of 3 months to 5 years, and odor filter life of 4-12 months. When the control plate with high efficiency particulate filters or HEPA filter monitor indicator light odor from the natural operation of the When the green to yellow, to be replaced within 2 weeks. if not replaced, 2 weeks after the indicator from yellow to red and continue to flash until the reset appointment replacement.
(fresh or after replacement of any piece of filter , to be re-set the filter monitor. using ballpoint pen or paper clip end of the corresponding filter tap
slightly damp cloth to obliterate dry after the body shell. more filthy, with a mild cleaner (such as melody new multi-purpose condensed cleaner) to clean, do not use ammonia alternatively alcohol, draw thinner, cleaning deputies, so break to the fuselage.
* regardless of status, high-efficiency particulate filters be replaced at least once every 5 years, odor filters be replaced once a year at least.
* High-efficiency particulate filter and odor filter replacement is needed can only be replaced, not cleaned.
* Yat new air purifier is not suggested in factories, bars and other areas to use serious pollution, so can not play a clean performance, shorten filter life and cause breakdown.
* should be replaced high-efficiency particulate filter and odor filter, you can shop contact with Amway.
* Filter life reckoned to manipulate 24 hours 1 day, 1 year 365 days running sample.

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