Thursday, April 28, 2011

is agricultural land coalition and Urban Readjustment. According apt our country

Job site mapping examine and mapping industry preferred network of excellence in the early process of sorting the data summarized some related manufacture terms, hoping to industry colleagues in the elucidation of definite terms,toronto escort, there is a clear notion!
Land consolidation is in a certain area, based on land use planning and land consolidation of special planning, farmland, water, roads, forest and villages to implement the comprehensive correction and correction of land relations, to improve the land. use structure and the production and living conditions, amplify the obtainable land area and the efficacious area of ​​cultivated land, improving land utilization rate and output rate of the activity. land consolidation can be divided into two categories, is agricultural land consolidation and Urban Readjustment. According to our country, by this stage the focus of land consolidation in rural areas. < br> The cardinal land coalition include: (1) modifying the agricultural architecture, merging fragmented graphs; (2) formation, cultivate the taint; (3) roads, shelterbelts, trenches and other common construction; (4) merging of rural residents point, rural industries and land use; (5) garbage land reclamation; (6) delineation of boundaries, to resolve ownership; (7) to improve the surroundings and preserving ecological poise.
in the finishing process, the staff of the Survey and Mapping network of excellence land consolidation is given dissimilar interpretation, that in a certain area, in accordance with land use arranging or urban intending to determine the goals or purposes, to take executive, economic, lawful and engineering measures, adjusted for land use reform,shenzhen massage, comprehensive management to subserve the logical use of land, improving land use efficiency, improve production, living conditions and ecological environment activities.
land evolution, is the delineation of land use planning in areas that can be reclaimed to sterile hills, wasteland, wasteland and other untouched land for the object, through engineering or biological measures to rectify this,beijing escort, processing and assisting the construction activities can be utilized to fulfill.
land reclamation, is in production and construction process, due to digging, breakdown, pressure, etc.,beijing escort, causing break to the land account and take remediation measures to reinstate to the state for use of the activities.
land cropping, likewise known for vegetation index, refined throughout the year and the total sown area of ​​crops refined area of ratio. is a reflection of land use degree index, expressed as a percent.
calculated as: harvesting = year planting (or transplanting) d the total district of ​​arable crops t100%
the total area affected along the level of cropping local heat, soil, water, manure, fatigue, and technological and technological level conditions. heat conditions are nice,alternatively namely the habitat of endangered wildlife. In Australia, long frost-free period, the total amassed tall, ample water is to improve the foundation of multiple cropping concordance.
finishing above the network of excellence because the charting out of and land use of the perception, I hope you proceed apt focus on mapping web of excellence! have better proposals alternatively remarks amuse direct message

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